Today I woke up to see a "dusting" of snow on the car and flurries flying around: our first snow of the season! I'd had this revelation before too that I'm going to die on the 29th( although I don't know on which 29th!) but in case it's tomorrow I prayed to God that I see the first snowfall before I go and He answered me! Yesterday and today I also have this reaaaallly baaad abdomenal pain likely my diverticulitis again but it's soooo bad it feels like something's twisted or blocked and even smoking weed just takes the "edge" off the pain but doesn't fully relieve it, and also pain in my chest on the left side near the ribs,too. I feel like an old broken down jalopy. I need an overhaul. Yesterday the LTC home also called informing me my mother's in isolation with a bad cough so she can't leave her room and no outings for her and meals have to be in her room,etc. it's like she's a prisoner in her own room, a hostage,like solitary confinement, and she tested negative for Covid but they should test for Pneumonia since that's what usually takes down old folks and she's also prone to it but she doesn't have a fever so hopefully it's just something viral that will resolve itself and I remember when I had Pneumonia too when I was 5 months' prego with the 25 YR old and every breath hurt my ribs, I was coughing up blood, and my temp was 104 F! They said I can still visit her but have to "gown up".
They also said on the news that live Christmas trees now cost between 80$-300$ which is just crazy! I just paid over 200$ for my artificial one and re-use it every year, and next-door are such rednecks too they have a flag in their window as curtains; I think it's an Aerosmith flag, but still, and the 30 YR old also kept insisting the Ginsu knife was Chinese but I knew it was Japanese and I told him so but he kept insisting he was right and I was wrong(he's arrogant like my hubby that way) and said it says it's from China and I told him everything is from China but it's still a Japanese knife but everyone just thinks I'm this big dummy and no one ever listens to me or believes me....but then I Googled it and it turns out that *I* was right!
It felt good, esp. when everyone always thinks I'm so stupid.
Buddy also loves yogurt as much as I do and I can't figure out as well why vegans won't use milk, eggs, or wool. I get it they won't eat meat as you have to *kill* the animal but it's not harmed in any way for milk, eggs, or wool; it's a gift they give us without any harm at all to them so why do they have a problem with that? My hubby also ruined my snack again last night bringing me back some crap from Little Caesars I don't even like and not only that but with pepperoni I hate and don't even eat and it was all hidden inside so I couldn't even pick it off! I swear, I'm convinced he does it on purpose to ruin it and to piss me off so I sent him back out to get me something decent. There was also some lunatic shooting at cars on the 401 which is the highway the 30 YR old and his boss take all the time going into Toronto for work( other than the odd time they take the 407 but that charges a 20$ toll )and last night his boss came over too so he could take out his stitches he had in his neck from a cyst removal and biopsy as his doctor 'didn't have time" (if you can believe it!) so he just gave him the stuff to do it and said to do it himself but you can't exactly reach the back of your neck! I swear the medical care in this Shithole is sooo bad it's like a Third-World country! It's like self-serve and what's next? Doing surgery on yourself, too? It's like an assembly line! Even having a baby they used to keep you in the hospital for 3 days and now they shove you out in just 3-4 HOURS! It's the same for surgery now,too.One of them was even deeply embedded into the skin with skin grown over it ,too, he couldn't get it out so likely will get all infected now.ðŸ˜
Public schools also don't teach you how to learn and how to think for yourselves either; they just each you how to conform, comply,and obey, and yesterday the 30 YR old and his GF went to an art gallery and when I asked him Did your GF like it? he said she did, and for once didn't say "She's NOT my GF" so maybe she finally did whatever disgusting thing he requires for someone to be able to "qualify" as "worthy" to be his GF or else he just finally admitted it, and whenever he fries up bacon the smell drives me wild too like it does to Buddy but my colon won't tolerate pork anymore so I just have to enjoy the smell. It's just like with my candles; I enjoy the scent but I know I can't eat it.
'Cause, baby, goodbye doesn't mean forever
Let me tell you
Goodbye doesn't mean we'll never be together again.-David Gates
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