Wednesday, November 20, 2024


Here is our tree now updated with the new ornaments.Yesterday during my nap my bank also called and left a message saying there was "suspicious activity" on my credit card and they wanted me to verify the purchases thinking my card got hacked again( this would be like the 5th or 6th time! Shit, do I ever have bad luck, or what?) so I called them back but they said it would be at least a 30 minute wait  on the phone so f*ck that; I'm NOT sitting there waiting on the phone for 30 minutes so I called back later and it was the same only this time they said I could leave a message and they'd call me back so I did and awhile later they did except then we got cut off and they never called back( just MY "luck") so I had to call them back again and I was on hold for forever  and I ended up just laying down on the floor waiting with the phone in my hand(my God, it was awful, and normally they text you but I don't have a cell phone) and I didn't recognize the charges, incl. a charge in the UK for over 100$ and something called Groupon that was just charged yesterday (I don't even know what that is!) so they cancelled the charges and my card and said they'll send me out a new card(again) and by courier "thanks" to the mail strike which they say they don't normally do but the guy was nice and felt "sorry" for me and said he was making an exception( wasn't that nice of him?) and it should arrive in 2 days.

Yet another rip-off,too: these yummy Ferrero Rocher chocolate bars that I just looove used to be 3 for 5$ until just a month or so ago and now they're 2 for 7$! So not only do you get 1 less you're also charged 2$ more for the privilege of being ripped-off, too!  Funny as well: last night the 17 YR old came into the kitchen and saw me eating pumpkin yogurt and had this puzzled look on his face and laughed and said at first he thought I was eating margarine(because the container looks similar) ha,ha, and the 30 YR old said his GF speaks to her dog in French( like a friend of mine in Ottawa her mother used to speak to their dog in French,too, but it was a Poodle; a French dog, and I always figured God made Poodles an intelligent breed to "make up" for making them so "gay"-looking) even though it's a Collie; a Scottish dog and I would have thought she'd talk to it using a Scottish accent. I speak German to Buddy,too, but he is a Dachshund, a German dog and German is his native language.

I also wondered if the 2-3 months the 30 YR old has off work while his boss recovers from knee replacement surgery maybe he can just go on Unemployment Insurance(my cousin B called "Pogey")  to still pay his bills and I heard it takes on average 17 minutes  for the police to arrive to a 9-1-1 call,too, which is waaay too long; if you've been shot, stabbed, robbed, raped, kidnapped, in an accident, etc. you may not have that much time, and I know every time we've called an ambulance it took 20-25 minutes(not good if you're having a heart-attack or stroke though or been shot!), but luckily the firemen arrived quickly; in just 2-3 minutes, and they said on the news as well 1 in 3 immigrants end up leaving this shithole as they don't like it here  and I'm surprised it's not more and I wish *I* could leave it,too, but can't afford to move, and heard a funny joke, too:
Wife: "Am I really the Only One you've been with?"
Husband: "Yes; all the others before you were all Nines and Tens."

I also had a dream last night there was this bad guy who I knew wasn't "good" for me but I was just soooo attracted to him anyway despite it every time he stood next to me or touched me I could feel my heart rate and breathing increase, and I remember as well when I was prego with the now 21 YR old the ultrasound showed "soft markers" for defects as well such as chromosomal and heart defects; a 2 vessel cord( 1 vein and 1 artery instead of the typical 3 vessel cord with 2 arteries and 1 vein) and echogenic foci, and cysts on her of course I was panicked and worried the entire pregnancy but left it in God's hands and it turned out she was fine ( the 2 vessel cord was confirmed at birth and they had all the medical students come in and see this rarity,too, but she had no other effects due to it) but the sad thing is that alot of other people would have killed  their baby over the possibility.....and imagine how they'd feel though knowing they killed a perfectly healthy baby? Even if not you still don't kill it...You can't always go by the tests. I still wouldn't have killed any of my babies regardless.

It was just me alone in my head, aided by audio headphones to keep me company.-S.Carlyle


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Wordless Wednesday.