Tuesday, November 12, 2024


OK, so yesterday the 30 YR old either had a day off work or took a day off work but he was still up really early(NOT something he likes unless he has to) and was gone before I even got up and at first I thought maybe he got called-in to work afterall but then noticed his lunch pail was still here so then I got worried; why did he go out so early,esp. when nothing is even open that early(it was like 6 am); what if he had to go to the ER for something? As it turned out he just met up with his GF ( he must really like  that girl to get up that early to meet her!) and then later on in the afternoon they both came back and she came in to meet Buddy ( of all people!)before they left again to go back out and I was there,too, so we got a proper introduction( finally!and she seems nice) and she liked his "saggy oldman wrinkly droopy neck and all I could think of is, I have the same thing but it's not so cute, and she said she has a dog,too, who is 13 YRS old and that tells me 2 things about her: that she must be a kind caring person if she has pets and also a committed person too to have her dog for 13 years, both good things,and the 30 YR old refuses to tell me her name,too, and just tells me her name is Hitlerina so I just asked her and she told me, so ha, ha on him!

It reminded me of a friend I had in grade 3 with a similar name and she only had one hand,too, and on the other it was just a wrist with a few raised fleshy bumps that resembled big mosquito bites, where her fingers should have been(she let me touch it,too, and it felt like rough leather) and I still remember too how on class photo day they had her sit right in the front row centre where you could clearly see her missing hand and I thought it was mean; they should have put her in the middle or back row where she could hide it and she just tried to cover it with her other hand. I also figure with the 30 YR old's GF it doesn't really matter if she's his GF or just a friend(like he says); she makes him happy and that's all that really matters and I hope it lasts but at least even if not he enjoys it for as long as it does last.I also saw my hubby had a card and asked him what it was and he just roughly threw it at me and said it's my anniversary( next month) card but it was just a blank  card with no inscription on it and he never even signed it; it just has a flower on the front and it made me wonder if it was actually for his mistress instead but since I "caught" him he sort of had to just say that to "save" his ass?

I also learned a new English word the other day,too:offal; the internal organs of a butchered animal( ewww!!)I always thought were called innards or giblets and I heard eating chocolate daily lowers your BP so just imagine how high mine would be if I didn't eat chocolate every day? It continues to be high,too, but when I took it right after I smoked weed it dropped down really low  to 106/82! I also found out that the 2 big bulging varicose veins on the back of my left hand are actually caused by high BP,too, and yesterday Buddy did these 4 big foamy orange barfs as well and had "laboured" breathing( and his cheeks were even "puffing" in and out,too) and I was worried and one of his eyebrows I put on with black marker the other day rubbed off but the other one is still there so I now nick-named him Uni-Brow.

We're now also getting the rain we normally get earlier in the fall season and it would normally be snow now in Novermber but it's been so mild it's rain but tonight it's getting to -5C overnight (brrr!!)  and I heard it's illegal to feed the squirrels but I don't care; kindness and compassion should never be illegal, and this week I even got the brand-name diet and caffeine-free Coke,too, instead of the cheap-o usual store brand ones but it was on sale so I got a special treat(yahoo!) and and I read somewhere that Wayne Gretzky is a drunk and all this time I thought he just sounded like that when he spoke was because he was stupid! HA! Taylor Swift is also in concert in Toronto this weekend expecting some 500K people(that's a hellava lot of people with really baaad taste!) and some even paid 4K for a ticket! Holy f*ck! I wouldn't pay that much for any concert! You could go on a cruise for that!

You cannot defeat a man who has endured grief, betrayal, and isolation.


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