Friday, November 1, 2024

Holding On.

Yesterday we broke yet another record for warm temps of 53 years but now it's back down to seasonal and soooo windy most of the leaves are all blown off the trees now and they look so bare  and it's strange too how the mulberry trees were always the last to bloom but the first to lose leaves, and I even had to bring in the garbage can and chair off the front veranda so they wouldn't blow off down the street or into a neighbour's yard! Buddy and I also spent all day yesterday outside and it was probably our last day outside. My hubby feels sick as well with barfing and diarrhrea so he either has a bout of food poisoning or he's getting some sort of virus. I was also sitting out yesterday smoking mi ganja and I heard these people walking by and one said to the other( I presume about mi weed) Yeah, I know, there's alot of it around here!

I also just looked up at the clouds, enjoying the nice day and even got a cool photo of a plane flying by overheard,too, and it would be kind of cool if I died either today being All Saints Day (and it was also my father's birthday,too) or tomorrow All Souls Day but it's not really up to me and God has the final say and the sad truth is that I'm really only holding on for Buddy though; he's the only thing that gives me a reason to live and once he's gone there's nothing left for me to live for anymore.Yesterday sitting outside I also smelled a neighbour's laundry drying thru the vent and it just smelled so nice and what IS it though about drying laundry that is such a "comfort" smell, anyway? I also heard for the 6 Taylor Swift concerts in Toronto(and no, I'm NOT going; you couldn't even pay me!!) this month hotels are also charging 10X  the usual rate, too(as if they aren't already expensive enough) ,which I think is just awful, taking advantage of people like that and some people are just sooo unethical!!

This is also some of my lighter collection; they look so nice( esp. the tie-dye ones!) I can't bear to throw them out and my hubby "redeemed" himself last night for my snack fiasco by bringing me back a Big Arch (I'm surprised but glad they still have them,actually) from McDonald's so "balance" was restored once again and my tummy was happy and I finally went to bed NOT being hungry and I didn't end up missing out on my snack like I feared afterall, and the 30 YR old also even has cashmere socks,too,he didn't even realize until I noticed and told him( he just knew they were "soft") and last night I got up past 3:30 am to pee and he still wasn't home (but he was back by 6 am)so that must have been some party even though I thought the bars closed around 2 am but maybe he "hooked-up" with some gawd, that's just so gross and he's like some sort of alley cat!

My Plan B will always be suicide.- Illuminusnumb


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