Monday, November 4, 2024

House Of Ill Repute.

I visited my mother yesterday since my hubby had chess Saturday morning and badminton was cancelled yesterday afternoon because they were putting up a new transformer on the block and no one had any electricity. She gave me this unicorn(shown here) that she thought was a hippo( even though hippos DON'T have horns!) she won target shooting at the LTC home( she's a "good shot" just like I am; it must run in the family and she joked they should "hire her to get a shot at Trump next time", ha, ha) so I joke it must be a unicorn that self-identifies as a hippo and it's still the thought that counts so I still kept it anyway and just put it with my other plush hippo collection only underneath another one so the horn isn't visible, only now some other poor hippo got a horn up his ass! I'm sort of like a unicorn anyway; a magical flying horse.I also heard an old lady crying and sobbing which was sad and one of the PSWs came in and asked me what car I drove as someone's was honking and I said I don't drive and he laughed that it "wasn't mine then" and luckily she didn't notice my new locs as I was afraid she'd be critical and say they were "too dark" or something, making me feel even worse, and I likely can't visit her next week because my hubby has to work.

Yesterday my hubby and the 17 YR old also raked leaves just out of our driveway and still got 10 big paper leaf bags full and the leaf blower short-circuited too and my hubby had the 17 YR old re-wire it  under his supervision and my hubby also kept insisting it was alligators that had the long pointy snout and crocs had the shorter, blunter snout and I kept telling him he had it backwards(and crocs you can also see their teeth with their mouths closed and not with alligators) and it was actually the other way around  but he's so arrogant and such a know-it-all he refuses to consider that he could ever be wrong and esp. that *I* could possibly  know something he doesn't or that I could be right and he's wrong but I knew beyond a doubt I WAS right about this; I'd bet my life on it, and he got so riled up about it he even was checking on his phone while driving, the dumb-ass(and I told him it could wait until we stopped, and he would still be wrong....which he WAS; he checked Google and guess who was right?
suck it!

My hubby also found the sunflowers wall calender for next year I was looking for my bedroom wall and now it's 24$ and I can still remember when it was 20$ and even 16$....holy shit has everything ever gone up in price, oh, my God...and it was nice this morning too to finally be light when I got up but it's also dark by 5 pm too( not so nice) and I noticed my hubby has such big man-boobs (I wonder what his mistress thinks of that?) now,too they're almost as big as mine and he said they aren't as mine "sag more" but that's just from breastfeeding so many kids but they're the same size and besides, I'm supposed to have boobs( and saggy ones at my age,too) and he isn't, and I noticed as well the newly-bought house at the corner has a "For Lease" sign on it now so I guess the new owners are still renting it like it was before but kicked the old tenants( the meth-heads) out, likely by raising the rent like landlords often do.

Here are more clothes I also saw online I like but will never buy, esp. from Temu I heard is from China and a rip-off, and as I was in the third-floor bathroom last night the 30 YR old had his bedroom door wide open(it's next to the bathroom) and I saw a box of condoms by his bed and I knew what they were because I'm NOT as stupid as they think  I am, and I asked him about his new GF,telling him since the secret's out now and I know she exists he doesn't have to sneak her into the house anymore and hide her like some dirty little secret anymore,  and he can introduce her to us properly, and he still refused, saying it's none of my business, and I reminded him that whatever goes on in my house under my roof IS  my business and we're NOT running a bordello here (and my hubby said he's snuck girls in before,too, incl. from the old place he used to work, I just never saw, and I DO remember once recently,too,.I could have sworn I saw a girl run upstairs and I even said to him, "Do you have a girl in the house?" but he denied it and I thought it must have been a hallucination or a dream or I was just imagining it) and I told him to take his "shenanigans" eleswhere bang one out with his skanks in the bar bathroom, or up against a wall at the club, or go get a room or do it at her place, etc. but not here.
We are NOT a house of ill repute!

All I could get out of him is they've known eachother for "a couple of months" but he wouldn't even tell me her name and said "She's not my GF but she'd like to be" but if he's f*cking her that makes her his GF and I asked him What happened to you HATING Indians? and he said it's Just the men but he still  f*cks the women,  and knowing him he probably didn't even tell her we're his parents,either, but probably lied and said we're his landlords and that he just rents a room from us as it's more "cool" than admitting that he's 30 years old and still lives at home with his parents although with the economy today I'm sure lots of adult kids still live at home and besides, in Europe it's NOT uncommon for unmarried adult kids to still live at home anyway,and my hubby also said the second-oldest had a BF for 2 YRS and they broke up and  I'd think that usually when you date that long and split up it's usually because one wants to get married and the other doesn't; that they don't share the same future plans, and if so, I wonder which one of them wanted marriage and which one didn't?

“Anti-social behavior is a trait of intelligence in a world full of conformists” ― Nikola Tesla


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