Saturday, November 16, 2024


Check out the Murano glass fruit & veggie dish the 30 YR old got from his GF! She just gave it to him, even when he informed her that it's worth 2K and she got it from her grandmother, so like an inheritence! I was just blown away but he says people "like him" and "give him things all the time" while I'm the opposite; people are always trying to take stuff from me like my friend JL from grade 8; she'd come over to my house and say she likes this-or-that and pick it up asking if she can have it and when I'd laugh and say "no" she'd hit me and I also never did get back my umbrella that I let her borrow,either. I quickly learned to not have her over at my house. The 30 YR old also got his hair cut yesterday,too( see photo below) and between his new cut and stubbly beard(which women find hot!)  I told him he'll have to beat the ladies off with a stick( he said he has to already do that,anyway, ha,ha) .

 The 17 YR old never even ate any of the souvlaki or Tikka Masala rice I cooked for dinner,either(why do I even bother?), and just left it out all night so Buddy ended up with the chicken and I ate the rice because we can't afford to waste food. It's sort of "funny" about the 30 YR old's GF,too, how she's "in her 30's" yet he's always going on putting "older" women 'down" saying once they hit 30 they're "old and washed-up" etc. and "too old" for him, etc,(he likes 'em in their 20's) like how with his ex GF he said at first she was "just his friend" too as she "wasn't his type" as she "weighed too much" (and then she lost weight) but I say that's all just a bunch of BS; don't be so picky;just love people for who they are; they can't help their age or how they look.

My hubby also told me that he's NOT cheating on me even though I still find it impossible  that any guy would possibly go 17 YRS without doing IT(so he's getting it somewhere!) and he just shrugged that "We're not attracted to eachother anymore" even though we never were; no one else wanted either of us either so we both just "settled" for eachother because we both wanted a family and we were already friends, and then he says I just "used him as a sperm doner" even though we both wanted kids (and that's the reason we got together in the first place!) and he says I'm "just paranoid" and he didn't even remember I HAD my hysterectomy 5 years or so ago,either.

 He also  said I "always blab everything on my blog" and "never keep anything private"  and "post everything for the whole world to see" (even though I just do it for me and no one even reads it,anyway)etc. and he knows I still have a blog,too, because he knows how much I love writing and he knows I'd never just stop or give it up( he's right about that!) but  at the same time I also need something too that's just mine, that I have for myself, as an "outlet", where I can vent, complain, express my thoughts, feelings, opinions, views,frustrastions and share my emotions without being censored, criticized, deleted, or shut down, something I can't freely do on Facebook or Twitter. I need my own private escape and refuge.

You are ruined, every which way.-Thomas Cayne


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