Wednesday, November 27, 2024

My Eye.

Yesterday my right eye was soooo swollen, really itchy,watery, and blurry( shown here) and was driving me crazy. I have no idea why; if I had something in it  or if it was an allergy, or Pink Eye, or what but it was driving me nuts and I had to take both a Benadryl and a Reactine before the maddening itch and swelling finally went down and today it's still a bit swollen and feels tender but I wonder what it was? I also wonder if it was maybe my hubby that snuck the tonic water into my case of pop (and not just an oddity at the canning factory?)esp. since he does encourage me to try it and says I'll "like it" etc. as when I searched what tonic water WAS it said it has quinine in it (and he used to be a bartender so he knows what's in tonic water!)which I know to be an anti-malarial drug....but it also said it can cause heart, liver,and kidney damage as well, none of which I can "afford", AND it also inter-acts with one of my medications,too, the one I take for migraines, bipolar, seizures and also is a heart med.....making me wonder:
Is he trying to kill  me?
He does want to sell the house and move(which he makes very clear!) and I refuse and he has to wait until I die....
and he also does have a good * life insurance* policy on me,too.....
or am I just being paranoid?
But....just because you're being "paranoid" also doesn't necessarily mean that someone isn't  also trying to kill you as well.

I also saw online people were saying women only cut their hair short if they're "lesbians" "feminists" "hate men" etc. and to "turn men off" to "be ugly" etc. and it was all just soooo stupid because for one thing we don't even do it for men and some women just happen to like short hair and the convenience and easy-care of it and happen to look good with short hair, and I also learned that the average cob of corn has 800 kernels in  16 rows, and the movie Wicked  is the top at the box office as well but I have no interest in seeing it; a movie about witches, and the 17 YR old's been slacking off on his chores too( even though all he has to do is put out recycling and arm the security system before bed at night; it's not like he has a busy life; he just plays games on his computer all day) and still leaves his dinner plate out on the table for days on end I refuse to clean up(because I'm not his slave and he's old enough to clean up after himself) so from now on I'll just keep re-using that same plate for his meals then until he finally gets the hint and puts it away and I don't have to scrape off my dishes before loading the dishwasher either; I just have Buddy lick them clean.

Asshole Trump also says he's adding 25% tarriffs on imports from here and Mexico to stop illegal migrants,drugs, and crime crossing the border yet fails to address the issue here of all the illegal guns that cross the border from USA daily  and are involved in crimes here on this side, and there's  finally a ceasefire in Lebanon between Israel and Hezbollah too which is good news....but they're still committing genocide in Gaza, and since my kids think I was such a "bad" mother and want nothing to do with me anymore I figure my final act of love is to just let them go and not be a part of their lives anymore and I don't think Buddy's happy anymore,either, as now he's so old and  broken(he turns 19 in Feb.) and he hardly wags his tail anymore; when he knows I'm near and cuddling and nuzzling him he'll thump his tail a bit but generally it just hangs down between his legs now as he shuffles along gingerly and I DO give him CBD oil and liquid Tylenol for pain but I think he's "ready" to go now,too, just like I am...

I always walked alone in life until I got my dog and now he walks beside me.


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