Yesterday I got my Christmas shopping done and I also got a few more ornaments for the tree, a couple of more doubles of my faves(and my fave. one is also the 30 YR old's fave,too; the popsicle) and a few new ones,too! At only 98 cents apiece I decided I could afford to splurge, ha,ha! I got a pack of assorted exotic coffees for my mother (I was going to get her a Grinch cardigan but they were all sold out and only had PJs) and I got the 30 YR old assorted Christmas teas I know he likes and a really bigggg Spider-Man thing( of course!) for my hubby and it's so big it was so hard to try and hide that thing,too(esp. when he was right there!) and I even picked up a pair of red festive flannel Snoopy PJ bottoms for me too on sale for just 8$! The 17 YR old also missed his badminton yesterday too (even though they went all the way down there) because everyone skipped it to attend the Santa Claus parade. (Ours is next weekend) so they just stopped in and visited my mother( who is just literally down the street) while they were there anyway esp. as she said she missed the 17 YR old and wanted him to come see her.

My hubby also got new outdoor lights(shown here) to add to our collection, a snowman trio he got for half-price and every year he always adds new pieces and it's become a sort of a "competition" with all the neighbours too and he always has to have the "best" light display in the entire neighbourhood and his ego just "feeds" off all the compliments we always get about our lights every year, and it takes him 3-4 weekends to put them all up,too, and the 30 YR old told me his GF's dog( a Collie) is named Goose but I don't hear so well and at first I thought he said "DOOCE" , as in turd, like ,I have to drop a dooce and it made me laugh and I think my white matter decline is getting worse too and I'm getting Alzheimers or something like my mother as I notice lately I increasingly forget words or use the wrong word: eg. I forgot the word tongs and called them those 'pinchy' things and mixed up candle and called it cream and also mixed up with the kids saying the youngest when I actually meant the oldest.
Getting old really sucks!!

They also said we might get our first snow on Friday and I'm the most un-Canadian person ever as well: I hate hockey and beer and also don't care for maple syrup, curling, Tim Hortons , The Tragically Hip(I actually think they suck!) or Margaret Atwood. and think toques look like retard hats.
Deport me.
I only like Rush, April Wine, and poutine.
I also hate it how the gov't actually even has this law that requires so much "Canadian content" on TV and radio and force and foist that crap on us, like some Fascist State.

I was also woken up scared out of a dream a wolf came at Buddy and I and went right for him.and it's sad as well to realize as a kid I had so much energy I used to skip Double-Dutch and do gymnastics and pretty much walk everywhere and now I get out of breath just going up the stairs, so many medical issues and just so broken, and I heard Mike Tyson lost that fight,too, but I'm actually glad because he's always been such an asshole and when he was married he even beat up his wife,too( you're supposed to beat up your opponent, you prick, NOT your wife!) but I guess when he talks the way he does(effeminate and with a lisp) he has to be a tough guy so no one would dare to make fun of him!

I also wonder how the 23 YR old was able to snag a ticket to the Fashion Show in Paris and Milan as they can't be easy ( or cheap!) to come by, but maybe her friend who now lives in Paris was able to get it for her? I remember ,too,when I took the oldest and the 30 YR old across Europe to 8 countries when they were 11 and 16 and Paris was one of the places we went except it rained the whole trip and they also slept thru most of it not being able to adjust to the time difference.
It’s almost as if we get this “(relaxed sigh) oh good, it’s one of US!” kind of feelings- being amongst other autistic people we don’t have so much to watch our backs.-Bethann Sivitter
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