Sunday, November 3, 2024

Quick Melt.

I think the 30 YR old has a GF!
I got a surprise yesterday; someone came to the door and it was a young fashionable ( Burberry) Indian girl in her 20's I'd guess standing there and at first I thought she was probably a volunteer canvassing for something until she said she was a "friend" of the 30 YR old ( "friend"...yeah...riiiight....I wasn't born yesterday; I know a GF when I see one!) and she went right up TO HIS ROOM and they stayed up there for 2 1/2 hours and the lights were off too because I could see his bedroom window from outside when I was out smoking weed on the back porch!
I wonder what they were doing up there, huh?😂
She told me he was there to "teach her Dungeons & Dragons"....except what girls are even interested in D&D and up in his room in the dark for over 2 HRS? I mean, really? and I said that to him as I went upstairs for bed( thinking she had left) but she was actually just downstairs  and was coming back upstairs and heard  me and cracked up laughing.Ooops! Ha,ha!

I'm happy he's found someone though, it's been so long, but I also don't want our house to be a bordello,either, and it must be serious because this is the first time he's brought a girl  to the house (he normally just "bangs" skanks but doesn't bring them home)since his ex-GF a few years ago(and I now know why he took that extra-long shower yesterday and used the salt scrub all over his body and what he was doing that other night out past 4 am!) and she looked like a respectable enough girl( even though I only saw a brief glimpse of her for a few seconds) and she was polite,too, saying, "It's nice to meet you" which is odd since he said he likes "crazy" girls, but it's funny though as he's always saying how he "hates Indians" and here he goes and has an Indian GF! Who knows, if they end up married and the 25 YR old marries her BF( who is half Chinese) my in-laws could be like the United Nations like my mother always joked my birthday parties as a kid were.

I also hope it doesn't end badly for him though like the last one did and I hope she doesn't cheat on him and break his heart like his ex-GF did, and at the same time I also hope that he's good to her and treats her right,too,as he does have a habit of becoming obsessed, posessive and a "stalker" with women he dates so there's also that.I just don't want him to get hurt again.

This morning I didn't get that "extra" hour of sleep like I was supposed to and looking forward,either, to because someone (and I won't say WHO) decided to wake me up barking an hour early because he had to go out to pee!  He's lucky I love him so much!You know how there's also always this one clock that gets forgotten and left behind that still has the old time on it? Well, we have 2 like that, oh, wait,3, because I just noticed my hubby's stupid Spider-Man one on the curio cabinet in the livingroom hasn't been switched yet,either, as well as the microwave and stove in the kitchen and the 17 YR old's the only one that knows how to do it and all the others change over automatically. I think he also has to re-set the car though,too,although you'd think with all the gadgets in it that it would automatically. It was also -3C this morning when I got up and still dark but started to get light around 6:30 am. I also got this new face cleanser by Olay called something like Quick Melts(I know, it sounds like some sort of pop-in-the-microwave snack) that is a little square you put on your hand and add water and it dissolves and all foams up and you wash your face and it reminds me of an acid tab! HA!

This is also a Christmas decoration I made myself a few years ago using an old candle jar, some mini silver balls and some gold tinsel and my back is still killing me from doing the tree yesterday( my act of love) and when I posted my photos online some people said at least wait until after Thanksgiving and Remembrance Day(there will always be some assholes who try to ruin your joy) but we already HAD our Thanksgiving last month and I don't celebrate Remembrance Day because it glorifies the military and war, and it was sooo windy as well it even knocked over my 4-foot tall garden gnome and I found him laying face-down forwards and it also tore off part of a neighbour's roof as well and  last night was such a beautiful starlit night I sat outside and just looked up at the sky admiring it and I had such a good nap yesterday as well it felt like waking up after anesthesia where you barely remember closing your eyes and just suddenly wake up a few hours later and it feels like it's only been a short while but all this time has gone by so quickly.

I also heard on the news the saddest, cruelest thing: in NY the authorities stormed this guy's house and went looking all over for his pet squirrel  and confiscated it and KILLED it and it's just the most inhumane and horrible thing ever! I mean, why would they DO something like that?People are so mean!! I also saw the Spanish PM on TV and he's a hunk and they had such a baaaad flood as well a year's worth of rain in just a day and over 200 people died and it's a State of Emergency, fulfilling Biblical prophecy of the Last Days and End Times of increased natural disasters and unusual weather patterns and I really wish Jesus would hurry up and get here because the world is really in a sad shape and needs help desperately.

If I ever lose my battle about mental health, know that I fought. know that I tried.


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