Saturday, November 9, 2024

Silent Killer.

Later last night my BP was still high, 178/94 and again first thing this morning when I got up too( again even though I feel ok and no headache): 176/96 so no wonder they call high BP The Silent Killer because you may not even know that you have it unless you actually take your BP and look for it and yet it's the # 1 cause of heart-attack and strokes. Just in case I also transferred my monthly $$$ for bills into my mother's bank account( since the bills come out in her name still)  yesterday,early this month in case I die so the bills still get paid( wasn't that thoughtful of me?) and my hubby said the first thing he's going to do when I die is sell the house,too,(even though it's NOT even his to sell) and I said can't he at least cremate me first and he said he's just going to embalm me and sit me outside on the porch and I said no; embalming costs extra; that's one reason for cremation; it costs less, and then he corrected himself and said he meant taxidermy.
Can you possibly be any more redneck than that?
One of my Facebook friends is also a retired RN and said I should "Go to the ER right away"with my soaring high BP  but I'd feel really stoopid going just for high BP and besides, I'm NOT sitting and waiting for some 6-8 HRS,either, esp. not just for that!
If I die, I die.
This is also a photo of the cool tin container my new weed came in yesterday(above) too.

I love this!
Check out the headline about Trump in a German paper! HA! The headline reads, Please not the horror clown! That pretty much says it all I think, ha,ha, and there's also this joke going around Germany saying, What borders stupidity?
Canada and Mexico.
Because Canada and Mexico border USA....get it?
What can we really say here in this shithole though when the idiots here also re-elected Trudeau?
Not me though; I can proudly say that I have never voted Liberal in my entire life!!
My Facebook friends are also divided over Trump's election victory; all the European ones are all united in shock and horror and among the American ones it's 50/50.
I also can't believe the first week of November is gone already and ever since we set the clocks back I haven't slept well all week,either, and wake up every hour during the night every night for the past week. 

This is also the most bizarre photo I've seen all week,too: a rabbit giving birth and how they all just sort of plop out in bunches(I wish MY births were that easy!!), and my hubby said his new orthotics are working and he can notice the improvement already but he has to gradually work his way up; an hour the first day, 2 HRS the second day, then 3 HRS, then 4 HRS, etc. adding an hour each day to adjust, and yesterday I could have sworn I smelled smoke too but there was nothing so maybe it was just another of my smell "hallucinations" again or it means I'm going to have a seizure, and my mother told me she now also listens to the Friday night heavy Metal show and the Saturday morning Flashback radio shows like I do,too, and it's nice to think that we're both listening in to the same shows at the same time, sort of like a "bonding" thing.

The 30 YR old also went out last night and it's almost 8 am and he still hasn't come back yet; he's been out all night , the dirty dawg, Walk Of Shame, and it really worries me; hopefully he's just at his GF's place( and at least they're NOT doing it here) but the mother in me still worries; what if not and he's actually laying injured or dead  somewhere? You never stop worrying about your kids ,BTW, even once they've grown. It's a life-long sentence. Israeli soccer hooligans were also beat up in Amsterdam by a mob and now everyone cries "anti-Semitism" but what they didn't also tell you(because they never tell you the full story!) is that they started it,too, by burning a Palestinian flag and chanting Death to Gaza!  and The IDF will destroy Palestine! and countries should just stop supporting and enabling Israel and it's genocide in Gaza( a UN  body investigating it even concluded that it IS genocide and that 70% of the dead are women and children) and invasion of Lebanon and stop supplying them with weapons!

I feel embarrassed realizing the me that is me is not what people seem to see.-Angela Bingham


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Pondering For Today.