Thursday, November 14, 2024

The Gift.

Buddy left me this little surprise gift on the livingroom carpet near the coffee table. Wasn't that "nice" of him? My friend I in Florida said his dogs often leave him little "presents",too. Thanks so "much" for that BTW, Buddy. I really "needed" and "appreciated" that.
  Mucho gracias.
 I also heard someplace that if you should ever come across Fae folk( that would be fairies) you are to never accept a gift or food from them as then it means that you owe them and are indebted to them. It's just like with the gov't; whenever you get anything from the gov't there are always "strings" attached and it makes you their bitch. You never get something for nothing and there is always a price to be paid.
We're also supposed to get a possible hurricane next week,too, which is unusual as we get tornadoes here in this area but not hurricanes.

It was also a beautiful starry night last night and I was sitting outside smoking my face off and the wind blew the flame on my lighter and burned my thumb( ouch!) and just check out that moon! It was what they called a Supermoon or something and it was extra close, big, and bright that even my crappy camera was able to capture it! I also heard that People magazine's Sexist Man Alive is some guy I've never even heard of; I think his name was Krazinski or something; it was some Polish name but I have no idea who he even is. I also tried the new McDonald's Cajun Ranch McCrispy sammich ( shown below) last night and it was good; I liked it and the sauce had a little "kick" to it and tingled on my tongue and I would have it again.

I also heard that Toronto authorities are "rounding up" and "relocating"  the homeless in the downtown area starting for the Taylor Swift concerts saying it's "for their safety"....yeah.....riiiight; it's really to "clean" the area up so it's not so "unsightly" and an "eyesore" (like how they tear down homeless encampments) like what Brazil did before they hosted the Olympics although I think in that case they actually  shot them, like feral dogs, and it would also be the perfect "soft target" for a terror attack as well with all those people and they said the Cheapest seats start at 2K and go up to 13K and that's just crazy! People struggle to afford rent and bills and put food on the table yet somehow they can afford to pay that?How can anyone afford that? I think it's more of a "social status" thing anyway, like having the latest Apple phone,but I think  they have more $$$ than brains and are just stupid and gullable,and I wouldn't pay that much for anything! I think she also must have sold her soul to the Devil as well as most people with that much success and fame (esp. with no talent!)have; it's NOT uncommon in the entertainment industry( singers, actors,etc.) to make a deal with the Devil(and I heard she's also a witch as well, making it even more likely) but it also comes with a very high price and your eternal soul is waaay more important than anything!

I didn't just want to get through life, I wanted to live and thrive.-Lesley Gustavson Kite


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