So I had truffles on the list( the chocolate kind, not the mushrooms,and they even have trained pigs that can sniff out the mushroom truffles) and my hubby comes back with this( above):
The real truffle is shown below for comparison.
It has a hard smooth coating....except for the fact that real truffles, true truffles, traditional French truffles have a cocoa powder coating.
This is NOT a truffle, but a cheap knock-off. It's nothing more than the Lindt -style candies wrapped in foil but NOT a truffle.
He says "same thing" only it's not. I still eat them since it's still chocolate and there's nothing wrong with them, but they're still NOT truffles.
But he's NOT a chocolate connoisseur so he wouldn't "get" it.
I also heard a radio ad I thought said Beat the Kraut but it was actually Beat the crowd,ha,ha, not hearing well can often be comical, and in USA a sofa advertised (I listen to a California channel) is only 300$ too and here in the Shithole they're 1K; eveerything is always sooo over-priced here,and no one really cares about the postal strike( now into its second week) either and for parcels just use couriers instead and do banking and pay bills online, and my friend F( from grade 6) one of his sisters her husband died and I also heard something sad as well: a woman in her early 30's had a bloodclot in her leg travel to her heart and caused cardiac arrest and she died, leaving behind 4 young kids. The sad thing too is whenever you die there are always some things that get left unfinished. I also saw part of the parade go by our street last night but it's basically just pick-up trucks decorated with lights, redneck-style, and last night as I went outside to smoke mi ganja the clouds parted just as I sat down and revealed the stars, almost as if a gift to me from God.This morning it's also frosty and -4C!

I also finally saw the new Joker movie, the one everyone says is really bad but I didn't mind it and thought it was ok but I like musicals though and was already expecting it to be one, and it was just sad and I felt sorry for him, such a downtrodden, beaten-down character, all alone in a miserable life, and he found happiness and love with a crazy woman who was a good match for him which brought some joy into his life but only for a brief moment and then she left him,too, and the only one that was nice to him and showed him any human decency at all was his lawyer, who was kind, and I'd heard before about the scene where he got gang-raped but I'd assumed it was by other inmates but it was by the guards, who were exceedingly cruel to him, and in the end he was stabbed to death by another prisoner, so it was just so sad, and it was so obviously clear that he WAS mentally ill, but I could sympathize with him and I too myself have had dreams too that MY life's a musical at times.
I also want to see Moana 2 and Gladiator 2, not that I like violence and gore, but I DO like history, esp. ancient history, and one of the highlights of my life was when I travelled to Italy, Greece, Egypt,Tunisia, Turkey, Morocco,Israel, etc. and got to see with my own eyes the ruins of the ancient world, things I'd studied in school, and even walked along the same roads Jesus did, and the ruins of Pompeii were esp. so amazing. My hubby just doesn't "get" it though and says why do I spend thousands of $$$ just to go and look at a bunch of old ruined broken stuff. That boy just has NO culture, ha,ha!😂
I lost the person I was, she’s dead and nobody can bring her back.-Jennifer Combs
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