Monday, December 23, 2024

All This And More.

Yesterday it was sooooo *COLD*  that Buddy had to wear his sweater inside,too! The 30 YR old's GF also came over and they made a nice stew that made the entire house smell delicious and with my cold I have zero appetite now and just had a mango for dinner last night(I had to force myself to eat at all) but I thought it tasted "funny" but I think my taste must just be off and my hubby also brought me a bunch of insence sticks the other day he picked up when he was in Toronto too and they're either really cheap and have no scent or I lost my sense of smell because I couldn't smell a thing. I was also originally planning on visiting my mother today but I can barely even stand up without feeling all sweaty dizzy and faint so decided againt it as I also don't want her to get even sicker(and I suspect it's more than just a cold based on how I feel; it might even be the Covid) plus we're getting a snowstorm but it's sort of a relief in a way,too, because it's always so depressing seeing her there just staying the same and never seeming to get any better, and I wonder as well if she'll just stay that way forever until she dies or if she will eventually recover, but I will still go see her on Christmas regardless.I don't want her to be alone on Christmas.

My hubby also got this funny bag yesterday and I wanted to save it to use it for the 30 YR old's Christmas gift except he swiped it before I could get my hands on it and today we're getting 6-20 cm of snow so we will have it for Christmas afterall which is what I always hope for every year, and I can never tell Johnny Mathis and Nat King Cole's Christmas songs apart( as they sound so much alike) both of my mother's faves. and she would be so ashamed and disappointed in me, ha,ha, and the other day I also heard a song called  Snowman by someone called Sia as well I really liked and she sounded like Amy Winehouse! My hubby also said he thinks my mother's just "holding on until Christmas"  and then she'll die and a commercial for the new KFC Festive Chicken Sandwich said it was KFC's gift to you which I thought isn't exactly right as a gift is free and you don't have to pay for.It also disturbs me the increasing racism, anti-Semitism and anti-immigration I'm seeing online and people have to distinguish the difference too between realizing that it's the Israeli gov't  committing war crimes and genocide in Gaza and NOT  the people or the Jewish faith.

I also love this stunning sparkling gown even though I don't have the figure for it( ha,ha) or anywhere to actually wear it( but I can still dream) and it's sad to realize as well now that the kids are adults they've become strangers to me now and funny,too: I still laugh remembering on a cruise(they have daily newsletters telling you of the day's activities) it said LGBT get-together on the Princess Patter  and this sweet sophistocated grand old dame asked one of the crew what LGBT stood for( and at the time I didn't know,either, it was the early 2000's and I was also curious to hear the answer) and when they told her , her jaw just dropped and she gasped in horror and I just cracked up laughing, and they also always had Friends of Dr. Bill & Bob meetings as well I had no idea what that was,either(I assumed some sort of medical conference or something) but they were on every cruise I went on which I thought was weird, and I was like, Ok, who exactly are this Dr. Bill & Bob and all their friends,anyway, and why are they on every cruise I go on? and it turned out it's just a "code" name for Alcoholics Anonymous! HA! Who knew? My friend F(from grade 6) also saw the musical Moulin Rouge and as much as I love musicals and theatre I have no desire to see that particular one as it's just trashy and burlesque.

Dogs give you something to care about when everything else has gone to shit.-George Huestis


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