Yesterday we were the only one on our entire street that put the garbage & recycling out on the curb for pick-up and they did still pick it up afterall so everyone else now has to wait another whole week which is yet another good reminder of why you should never follow the crowd. The 17 YR old also ate most of my stuffed turkey( even though there were also 2 other turkeys he could have eaten and I only eat the stuffed) and I only had 2 pieces for my dinner on Christmas the day before and he only left me 2 measly pieces I had for my dinner yesterday otherwise I wouldn't have even had any dinner and we still have the Christmas tablecloth on the diningroom table left from last Christmas,too; we never did take it off, we're so lazy! HA! It's also supposed to be mild tomorrow 6 C and even 10 C on Sunday....but rain, melting away all the beautiful Christmas snow we have but at least we had it for then( which is what mattered most) and I got to enjoy it while it lasted.I was also talking to my old friend G( from the YMCA group in Ottawa) who over 30 YRS ago said he never wanted kids and that I was "stupid" when I had my first child now said "Wow!" and "I'm happy for you" finding out I had 11 kids and he never had any so it sounds like he's now had a change of heart, all these years later but the ironic thing is that *I* also regret it,too.

I also heard there's a bird flu going around so maybe that's what I have since it's worse than just a regular cold but I tested negative for Covid, and if so, maybe I'll finally also be able to fly,too, something I spent most of my childhood trying to do, ha,ha, and as much as I don't really have a life at least I don't watch those lame-ass Reality shows like The Bachelor, The Real Housewives of-----------(insert name of city here) those people really have no life, and I think those phony "plastic" women who wear too much make-up and those gaudy fake big "giraffe" lashes and long "Dragon Lady" talon nails just look like guys in drag, and I want to see the new Bob Dylan movie, A Complete Unknown as well as I always like biographies( esp. of musicians) as life stories are always so interesting and even though I think his singing sucks he actually doesn't sound so bad after you've smoked weed, and I asked my hubby as well why he never goes in to visit my mother( he just stays in the waiting room or goes off and does whatever and picks me up later) and he said, I didn't even see my own parents(when they were dying)so why would I see yours? but he's just the kind of person that just can't handle critical hospital settings or see people in that condition,either.

I also came across this sweet old photo from 2007 with the now 30 YR old and the youngest( who turns 18 in March) and he left to stay over at his GF's Christmas night and I haven't seen him since; he still hasn't come back(but at least the good is they're NOT fornicating here, and I guess he has to eventually come back to get his laundry done) so I hope he hasn't run away from home,ha,ha, and she(unless it was actually the second-oldest who just forgot her stuff?) left her pink bath sponge and pink razors in our main-floor shower as well and he still won't admit she's his GF yet,either, even though it's soooo obvious and just says she's his "friend" and I think maybe he's just "safeguarding" his heart, not wanting to invest too much emotionally so he doesn't get hurt like he did last time, but even my hubby commented, He really seems to like this one! and he never notices anything and is the least observant person I know; I literally shaved my head before and he never even noticed! He also wasn't the only one who got laid on Christmas, either; I also got my "Christmas Goose", too, wink,wink,nudge, nudge!!😏
And I would give anything I own
I'd give up my life, my heart, my home
I would give everything I own
Just to have you back again.-Bread
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