Saturday, December 14, 2024

Day By Day.

Well, my mother made it thru yesterday(the day I was most worried about) and she's still here, still alive and holding on, so maybe she has a chance of recovering afterall(unless I'm just deluding myself with more false hope again?) but at least she wants to live and having a strong will to keep fighting (as opposed to giving up and letting go) can also make a difference. It's a sad fact though that people simply come and go in your life but she's always been the one constant in my life and it just somehow always felt like she'd live forever.At least if she does die she won't have to worry about living in a world that will turn even more to shit once Trump takes office next month though but without her income it will also leave us short 1500$ each month to pay expenses,too, and then later in March when my income ends it'll be over 2K a month we'll be short, and my hubby still keeps harping on selling the house and downsizing something I';ll never do as this is my home  and I want to stay here and die here and I'm NOT going "backwards" and I'm NOT moving. He wants him and the boys to move into a shitty apt. and send me off to Jamaica even though I need someone to still help me with things like banking and taxes, etc.He's trying to force  me out  of my home but I won't let him!!

Yesterday the second-oldest also visited a friend in Toronto since she was there anyway( that's where the airport is) and then the 25 YR old and her BF also went up to visit his parents who live outside the city and then they went to see my mother and were joined up by my hubby and the 17 YR old and then they all went to Swiss Chalet for dinner. I didn't go because I don't like Swiss Chalet(their chicken is under-cooked and their sauce is gross; I like St. Hubert) and besides, I know they don't want me there,anyway, and the 30 YR old didn't go,either; he went to 'Da Club(and I presume also hung out with his GF and would rather get laid than hang out with his sisters) and I haven't even seen either of them yet,either; they never even bothered to stop by the house to visit me.
I know, my kids are thoughtless assholes.

I also saw this beautiful dress I just loooove I joke my hubby can get for my for me  for my anniversary gift. You can get it at Harrods  for "just" over 2K...ha,ha. I  actually went to Harrods when I was in London once, but just for the experience and not to actually buy anything but there was this funky jewelled belt I really liked except it cost over 700$. I also, interestingly, saw these quotes all yesterday (see below)which really stuck with me personally:My hubby also has a week off over Christmas and after a month the feds are finally intervening in the postal strike(about time!) and ordering them back to work, possibly even as early as Monday and now the Christmas cards and parcels season is already ruined though( and the biggest and busiest time for businesses to ship) and then after that no one really even cares anymore.
They can suck it.

Sometimes she cries When she's alone at night Sometimes she weeps Oh, when she's feelin' cold and weak Sometimes the pain It just tears her up inside.-Warrant

 I have nothing left to shoot for. Nothing left that has to be done.-David Donahue

“The kids are grown now, so I don’t have to pretend anymore. I never wanted a family I had to hang out with.”-Anita Cole

Neither person knows what real love feels like because they never received it.-Lori Green

Sadly, there are people who aren’t mentally or physically equipped to handle life.-Jean-Marie Valheur

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