Wednesday, December 25, 2024

Merry Half-Assed Christmas.

Here is the turkey the 30 YR old cooked yesterday( and him and his GF pretty much finished it all off already!) and I also cooked my 3 turkey breasts yesterday as well( one stuffed, 2 regular) so all the day the entire house permeated with the delish scent and it drove poor Buddy insane! HA! I also struggled with the oven, always having trouble with technology and my hubby scoffed, No, you're just incompetent! which really stung(he's just so mean!!) and yesterday morning at 5 am as I got up and looked out the window I also saw mysterious fresh footprints in the snow leading to our house as well and I soon figured it out: it was the 30 YR old's GF who had once again snuck in during the night, confirmed in the morning when I saw her boots in the front hall( and she has such small feet,too; it's so cute ,and she's so short!) and he hides her up in his room and sneaks her up food like he's hiding a hostage up there or something and I've never had any problem with any of the kids having people over; just no BF/GF overnight as it's not appropriate.

We also got the pumpkin pies from our friends' bakery and of course last night( and again for breakfast this morning,too!) I had to "test" it, you know, just to make sure it's not poison before my family has it tonight for dessert (I know, right, the sacrifices I have to make, ha,ha)and yesterday it was so sweet, too: I walk into the livingroom and saw the 30 YR old and his GF snuggled up together on the recliner chair watching Rudolph the same one I used to watch every Christmas season growing up and it brought back happy memories and I can sympathize,too; I also belong on the Island Of Misfit Toys never fitting in, and my hubby has no problem with his GF staying over and says, It's the same thing we used to do, except it's NOT; we're married so it's NOT fornication and I just wish he'd show some respect. I can always tell when he got laid too because he goes all around the house all happy and singing.😂

I also gave Buddy a squeaky toy for his gift and I'm going to visit my mother in an hour or so once my hubby gets his lazy ass up and Christmas has always been her fave. holiday( it used to be mine,too) and I hope she's aware what day it is though and that I'm there, and can still find some joy in it,esp. since it's most likely her last(and probably Buddy and mine,too)and I can still remember too every year at my fave. school they'd give away the real tree in the hallway the last day before Christmas break and I'd always hope I'd win it(but of course I never did) as we never had a real tree( just an artificial one) like my aunts did and I'd even had it all planned out if I did get it that I'd take it home tied on my toboggan. I also still remember every Christmas break in Jr. High my friend D( who went to the French school and we'd only meet up over Christmas break and summer) would go toboganning and skating at my school yard.

For the past 3 days or so the 30 YR old's GF has also been here every day, all day, and even though she seems nice enough( and I have no issues with her) it always makes me feel uncomfortable and awkward having someone, anyone, in my house disrupting my routine and where I have to watch what I do and say and can't really just relax and live my normal "slob" life( ha,ha) such as singing aloud, for example, and it just "cramps" my style. I prefer it just being us, privately, and just feel on "display" when other people are here.I also expect today will likely be hard day to get thru and I pray for strength and endurance and can't wait until it's finally over.

I have become a bystander in my own life.


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