Monday, December 9, 2024


I was going to visit my mother today after my hubby finishes work....except we have a weather advisory for freezing rain and ice pellets( incl. 5 cm of ice!) and the school buses are cancelled again so now it's switched to tomorrow. Buddy also got me up 30 min. early today to go out and my brain is still out of focus as I forgot to dis-arm the security system before I opened the door and the alarm went blaring and I also forgot to bring up a towel this morning when I had my bath,too, I'm so distracted.It was terrifying as well to see my mother needing respiritory support and knowing that originally she had the DNR order(which also incl. no extraordinary/lifesaving measures) I'm glad she overturned since then otherwise she would have died on Friday. They also double-checked with me what I wanted to do and I said do everything you can to save her. I know it would have torn me the other way if the DNR was still in effect as me, being the Power of Attorney could over-rule it, and I honestly can't say what I could have, and would have, done in that case. My heart would say do everything to save her life but if the DNR is what she really wanted  I'd feel obligated to let her go and honour her wishes, and I know if I was in that case reversed I'd want to go but as it is now she still wants to live and isn't ready to die yet like I am and I would "trade" my life for hers if I could. I also wonder too if in the ambulance she had the lights and/or sirens on? If you do then you know you're in really bad shape!!

I also like this sweater I saw online but will probably never buy, and as I woke up during the night( as I usually do several times; I never sleep right thru; what a treat that must be) I also heard Stairway To Heaven again and a Facebook friend is in the Cayman Islands which I've been to and are nice and I told her she'll like it, and the mail strike is now into it's 4th week and the gov't really should legislate them back to work at this point(enough is enough) because businesses are losing *alot* of money esp. now during their busiest parcel delivery time of the year, and I joked to my hubby I should take a "sexy" photo of him nude with the Crocs & socks and put it up on my Facebook page and see who gets more Likes , him or my mother! HA!

As soon as I saw this photo I knew right away what was going on even before I read the caption.
Do you?
She's having a baby!
I knew just by the look of pain on her face.
The Assad regime in Syria also fell (I knew he should have just stuck with being an eye surgeon; the dictator thing didn't work out so well for him) and now him and his family are exiled to Russia(which is good though; at least they weren't executed like the Romanovs during the Russian Revolution!) and now Israel has attacked Syria now,too( as well as Iran, Gaza,and  Lebanon; what next? working their way across the entire Middle East?) and I remember when I was in Israel I could even see Syria across from the mountains. So now Israel has invaded, what ,3 places , now 4,and somehow still try and pass themselves off as the "victims?"

I also saw this and added..."but only available in rural small town stores". My hubby also says "No one cares" that the American healthcare CEO was shot and killed and I said, I'm sure his family does ! and my guess isn't a disgruntled employee but more likely either a patient or a loved-one of a patient that was denied medical care  due to lack of coverage and they died and this was revenge.
Only in America.
It's also been 35 YRS( and I can clearly remember it in the news,too, as our oldest was just 2 months old) since the mass shooting at Montreal's Ecole Polytechnique and 14 women were killed and every year they still always bring it up, just like Americans do with 9/11, and they act like they're the only ones that have ever been victims of terror attacks, that somehow they're "special" in some way, even though it happens every day somewhere in the world and is actually(sadly) quite a common occurance.

I don't live my day, I just survive it.


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