I was originally going to do this tomorrow but in case with the ice storm we've had where everything is coated in a layer of ice(it looks pretty though, like glass, see the photos I took here) I decided to post it now just in case the Internet and/or power goes out and I don't have the computer tomorrow. I'm also glad the 30 YR old turned around about halfway to Toronto and came back fronm going to work today too because the driving conditions were so bad. Buddy refused to go out to the bathroom too. Only I was stupid enough to go out in that and get pelted with ice pellets to get my photos....and to smoke weed. I called the ICU and spoke to my mother's nurse today for an update(I'll visit her tomorrow. I waas planning to today except for the weather) and she said she's "still drowsy" and "still feels the same" and one step forward and one step back: her BP has stabilized and she's off the vasopressors but she's NOT eating so they're going to put in a nasal feeding tube. I hope she doesn't refuse the feeding tube though; knowing her(stubborn old goat that she is) I can just imagine her fighting it, saying, I don't want the stupid thing! Just let me die! but this I would "over-rule" (as POA) as it's NOT unreasonable or invasive.
I also wonder as well if this is just a mere step "backwards" and she'll still continue on towards recovery( and her BP stabilizing IS a good thing and a positive step forward) or if it's the beginning of The End and the start of her decline, just like how she also seemed to be getting better from her cold,too,and then all of a suffen she just went downhill and crashed and got the pneumonia & Sepsis and almost died. Christmas is at least a beautiful and spiritual time to die,though(for her) but also sad for us and Christmas will never be the same again if so and will always be sad having that memory attached to it. The 30 YR old also jeers at me that I'm "obsessed" with her,too, but I'd like to think if I was critical in the ICU that someone would be concerned about me,too, although I also know that no would would.
Except for Buddy,that is.

I also heard this ad for something on the radio and part of it they said Ride the rocket and I just cracked up laughing it was the funniest thing ever it just sounded so rude and obscene, probably mostly also because I call Buddy's dick The Red Rocket (as well as as his Red Eye) and I also saw something in my e-mail that actually said Fuzzy Faves but I don't see too well and at first I thought it said Pussy faves and I just burst out laughing but I really needed a good laugh I'm so stressed and worried lately. One of the news reporters also said their airfare to Vancouver over Christmas cost 900$!
Holy f*ck!!
You can fly to Europe for less than that!
This Shithole really rips everyone off all the time and over-charges us for everything!
Canada sucks! I hate this place.

There's also this 50/50 charity lottery on the radio that's raised over a million$ so far so the winner gets over 500K and that would almost pay for half a house in Toronto, and it feels like I not only have something "stuck" in my throat now but something sharp "stuck", and I took warm blankets straight out of the dryer for both Buddy and I today and we just curled up and snuggled under the nice warm blankets and drifted away and it was the *BEST* feeling ever, like feeling the sun on your face, only for your whole body, like when you have a baby or come out of surgery and they put a heated blanket on you.

Betcha you can't guess what this is?
No, it's NOT cocaine......
It's icing sugar from my marzipan stollen!

My hubby also got me this re-chargable(like my candle lighter) dragon lighter(I'm not so fond of the design; dragons don't really do it for me) for my weed.....except it doesn't work too well with the bong( but in his defense he has no idea how to light a bong or the "mechanics" of it)it just lights the top but once it goes farther down it won't light but I can still use it for my joints and will still just have to use my usual disposable lighters for James Bong but that's still ok because I happen to like my cheap funky tie-dye lighters.

I also bet it will be "fun" for Assad & family to settle into Russia, not only learning a new language but also an entirely new script (Cyrillic characters) but I guess if I can handle it so can he. The cold winters will also be a challenge for someone like him from a warm climate, although you also have to admit the snow is pretty though and Moscow at Christmas-time(shown here) is a beauty to behold and like a fairytale.
I've always loved Moscow, but actually it's really pronounced "Moskva".
Dear Mister Darkness, I write you again
I've been so lonely, I'm needing a friend
Everyone tells me, you'll never reply
But I still try.-Ozzy Osbourne
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