Sunday, January 26, 2025


Word of the day: borborygmus: the sound your digestive tract makes, the "growling" sound in your stomach.
Pronounced bor-bor-ig-mus
plural: borborygmi.
pronounced bor-bor-ig-my
I just love that word; it's such a funny word, and a word my hubby always mis-pronounces as 
but I actually like his word better though as I think it sounds more like the actual sound of tummy rumbles.
My "Trans Plant" (shown above) which used to pass itself off as a Ficus(or at least what I used to think was a Ficus in any case) and then I found out is most likely actually a Fig tree has now blossomed and sprouted blossoms, 7 or so groups of them so it will be interesting to see if I end up getting any figs or if it's just not the right conditions indoors for them to reach maturity and 6 months or so ago I had one set of blossoms but the flowers  died before any figs could mature.
Both my hubby and I also think my mother was holding on until Christmas( she died 3 days after) even though she was semi-conscious the entire 3 weeks and didn't really get to enjoy it; she just wanted to live thru one last Christmas and it worked out it was over the holiday break when my hubby was off,too, so he didn't have to take any time off work.

Now Trump has also appointed an adulterous, drunken sexual assaulter as Secretary of Defence and he seems to have a habit of picking the worst dirtbags and scumbags for his gov't positions, although I guess it shouldn't really be too surprising considering where it comes from, and the 30 YR old's beard has now fully grown in and his GF really likes it and thinks it's "sexy" ( that's probably why he did it even though you really shouldn't change who you are for other people) reminding me of my friend A in highschool who had a "thing" for guys with beards she used to call B.G , short for Bearded Guys but I actually think he looks better without it, probably because that's how I'm most used to him and the beard also makes him look much older. I still also have the really baaad abdomenal, back, and stomach pain, and I notice as well it started once the Ozempic ran out and the weight's starting to come back on,too.
 I'm just f*cked , I guess.

"Some people literally crack, once you're broken it becomes very hard to be “put back together again”.-Survivor


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Wordless Wednesday.