I might actually be *RIGHT* afterall about Trump and Elon Musk being the Anti-Christ!
Elon Musk and his supporters are now trying to 'excuse" his obvious Nazi Sieg Heil salute(which originated as a Hail Caesar!) on his autism which is BULLSHIT ! I have autism and I'd never do a Nazi salute!
You can't blame the autism!
The only reason you'd ever do a Nazi salute is because you're a Nazi or Nazi supporter!
When people tell you who they are, believe them.
The 30 YR old says he thinks it's "just a publicity stunt" and I'm "a victim of media propaganda" but I think it's something way more sinister.
I'm also hemmoraging Twitter supporters due to my anti-Trump posts but I don't care; who needs white supremacists as followers,anyway? It's like the trash took itself out.
Someone seriously needs to get RID of those two!!
Twitter (I refuse to call it X) has also been down last night and today (I thought it was just my shitty computer)and my hubby( who works in computers) said everyone is trying their hardest to bring it down due to Musk's antics, and the arrival of the Anti-Christ is also a sign of the Last Days and End Times too, along with extreme and unusual weather pattens and increased natural disasters.....such as the BLIZZARD and 15 cm of snow that Texas and New Orleans just got, like they've never had before!
"Climate change" and "Global Warming", my ass!!!
It's also soooo cold out there,too,poor Buddy couldn't even stand up; his poor little feet just got so cold he collapsed. He also was bleeding again last night again,too.

This morning the radio DJ's were also saying how they hate their cats and aren't "Cat People"; they are my Brothers From Another Mother, and I think cats are just for lazy pet owners too as they just shit in a box and don't require the time, work, and dedication that dogs do, and I also heard on the radio a question posed to listeners:
"Would you buy your childhood house now if you had the chance?"
I would, in a heartbeat.
I love my Old Toronto house and still have dreams of doing exactly that, of moving back there now.Of all of the places I've lived( 13 or so, I've lost count) it has always been the one I've felt was most Home and my sanctuary and safe place away from the hurt of the world and the bullying I endured in school.
Now there's a ceasefire in Gaza Israel has now attacked the Palestinians in the West Bank so they still haven't stopped their genocide, just moved it elsewhere, and when sports comes on the news I turn it off as I'm not a redneck and not interested and my hubby scoffs, Your loss! but I have no no need for meaningless crap like who wins some stupid game.
Who cares? Get a LIFE!

Yesterday I also had That Headache again so I took my BP thinking it must be high again causing it...except it wasn't this time; in fact, it was actually low; 101/62( normal is 120/80) and it's hard to believe but in 3 more days it will be a month already since my mother died and probably next week I'll have to go back to the lawyer's to sign the documents and I hate going to lawyers as they always make me feel uneasy as they're just so.....I think "swarmy" might be the right word to describe them, and on wills you're supposed to be of sound mind which makes me laugh as I don't think I've ever been "of sound mind" in my entire life, ha,ha, and we might be getting some more snow either today or tomorrow too, and I heard this therapist as saying kids act out their anxiety and trauma thru play and they offer Play Therapy so it made me think why not just let them act it out thru playing at home then instead of paying $$$ for a therapist? I also heard someone had baby # 6 in a "free" birth homebirth( and her labour was only 3 hours,too, lucky!!!) which means the only ones present for the birth was her and her husband, which I think is awesome but it makes me wonder though how they reg'd the birth and apply for a birth certificate if there's no midwife or doctor there to witness the birth?
"Rejected, ejected, dejected, used, accused, abused.”-Eartha Kitt
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