Wednesday, January 29, 2025


It's official!
I am now a homeowner.
I inherited a house!
The lawyer filed the documents and transferred the deed  today over to my name from the house I inherited from my mother( shown here) which is the same house we've been living in for the past 22 years anyway and it just gives me a feeling of overwhelming responsibility more than anything as now I alone am responsible for it and have the authority to sign for everything regarding it, insurance, repairs, sale, etc. It's a big responsibility and probably the biggest adult responsibility I've ever had but I'm NOT going to sell anyway; this is my home and I'm going to die here. I also had to go back to the lawyer's today as they forgot to have me sign something yesterday.
Of course.
But luckily they're just a couple of minutes away and I was in-and-out in mere minutes.
A guy also came to check the freezer and for once something actually went well and worked out: he just had to re-configure something; it was a small issue and he never even charged us! He said it was the oddest thing ever and so rare.
Yes, I know, We get that alot.

I also got a surprise cheque from the gov't( some tax rebate thing) for 200$. in the mail.....but it had to go towards paying my legal easy come, easy go, I guess, and the 30 YR old got one, too, so it will pay for 2 weeks' worth of groceries. God always provides our needs. He also said his GF has this rare allergy to olives, like how the 23 YR old does to nuts and sooo many things have olive oil in them,too, in foods and in cosmetics, lotions, shampoo, hair products, soap. etc. and the 30 YR old even had to switch hair products he was using as it had olive oil in it and she got a bad reaction when she touched his hair! How rare is that though? I've never heard of anyone being allergic to olives before! I guess it's a good thing she's not Greek!

We also got a shitload of snow yesterday, easily 20 cm, maybe more, and it took an hour to shovel,  and the school buses were cancelled 2 days in a row due to it and last night as I was up in bed I just lay there for awhile looking out the window watching it come down and it was so serene and I heard that the reason Hitler didn't drink alcohol was it "made him mean" and I just can't wrap my head around that one, and RFK Jr's own cousin said he's so weird( the whole Kennedy family is f*cked-up!) he used to put live small animals in a blender to feed his pet hawks!
That's just f*cked-up.
There's no need to blend  them like that; that's just twisted and sick.
My hubby also said the other guy at work he called "useless" got fired so now there's no one else left there for him to belittle anymore, and it seems everyone's seeing a therapist nowadays too but I don't as for one thing I can't afford it, plus there's things in my past I did and experienced and went thru that I can never tell anyone about.

I also read an account of when someone's dad was dying he said  he said they called his name for the second time and when they call you the third time you have to go,  and when they did he convulsed and died,and that reminded me of my mother in the ICU the first time she was called to cross over to the Other Side must have been that time she told me, I have to go... and the second time her name was called must have been when she said to the second-oldest, My parents are waiting for me... and then the third and final time(when she died) was when she went into cardiac arrest, and with Buddy maybe the first time for him was last January when he had his first stroke and the second time was when he had his second stroke the other day...meaning the next time will be his third and last call....

Did I also ever tell you my mother's nick-name was Draco? I called her that, my hubby did, and so did all the kids.I made it up when I was 18 or so and she made me clean the bathroom wall tiles and grout in-between using a toothbrush and I said she was so draconian and then I just started calling her Draco as a sort of joke and it just went from there.

Well, I don't know but I've been told You never slow down, you never grow old I'm tired of screwing up, tired of goin' down Tired of myself, tired of this town.-Tom Petty


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