Here is the 30 YR old's newest look: a beard! I also dubbed yesterday The Three L's: Laundry, Lawyer, And Lasagne and I had to do a load of laundry, call the lawyer back( to let him know I found my mother's will and we won't have to go to probate afterall, plus I also decided to re-do my own will at the same time since I'm there anyway as it's been over 30 years and I've had more kids since then and things have changed) and I made lasagne for dinner. My BP was also very high, dangerously high, heart-attack and stroke level high, 173/88 (normal is 120/80) despite being on meds for years(but I HAVE been under lots of stress lately,too!!), so maybe that's what's been causing my throbbing, pounding blinding headache I've had now for the past 5-6 days (I've lost count)? Last night I also heard Stairway To Heaven on the radio again as I was settling down to sleep and I also smelled this overpowering scent of the Jergens cherry/almond lotion that my mother used to use when I was a kid,too, so I wonder if it was maybe a sign she was there visiting me, and to let me know she was OK? This morning I also soaked in a bath with white rose petals floating in the tub, left-over from the dead flowers. I also found a good way to get rid of TeleMarketers,too: one called the other day asking for my mother and it just came out, She's dead! and there was just an awkward silence on the other end and then they tried to pitch their product and I just said I have other things on my mind right now and then they stammered, Have a nice day....

We also had the Mystery Of The Curried Chicken (shown here) too: it was in the fridge for a few days in a plastic container with a lid, take-out-style( or the Brits would call carry-out) I assumed it was the 30 YR old's but when I asked him he said it wasn't and he said he thought it was mine, so we both divided it up and ate it, and oh, boy, was it ever good, and then later on I asked the 17 YR old if he knew where it came from and he said yeah, he brought it back with him after visiting his friend's; his mother made it.....ooops! luckily he didn't care though or mind as he didn't want it ,anyway, but the mystery was finally solved...and we had some really yummy curried chicken! Stamps (for local mail, mind you, not international) now also cost a whopping 1.44$, always getting gouged and ripped-off for everything here in this Shithole, and it's sad to realize as well that I really haven't been happy in 46 years, since I was 12, and a blog I've been reading for over 15 YRS she said without actually saying so(but hinting) that her oldest( a girl, age 23) is getting married soon, which is nice, and I can still remember when she was just prego with her youngest,too, who is now 12.

This is also a cool photo I took last night of one of my garden lights reflecting off the snow and firefighters and water bombers from BC and Alberta are now in L.A helping them fight the devastating fires(because that's what neighbours, friends,and allies do) and they know a thing or two about wildfires, and my hubby also seems miffed when I re-do my will and see the laywer tomorrow he knows I "don't want him with me when I do it", maybe worried I'll also secretly file for divorce as well, even though in reality I'm really just actually doing the wills and some things are just private and this is one of those things and it's just something I have to do on my own, plus when discussing legal matters there's also always the risk to of stuff coming up from the past, stuff he doesn't need to know. I'm also going to re-do it so only the oldest and the 30 YR old inherit anything( all I'll have is the house though and anything in my bank account won't even be enough to cover my funeral costs) since of all the kids they're the only ones who acknowledge me or bother to wish me a happy birthday or Mother's Day; the others have all cut me out of their lives so why would I leave them anything? It was also 1996 my mother and I last did our wills and at the time she would have been close to the age I am now and I would have been around the 30 YR old's age and now it feels like I'm "moving up" and "graduating" and "taking over" her role; now I'm the old lady!
No, I don't ask for permission
this is my chance to fly
maybe enough ain't enough for you
but it's my turn at a try.-Van Halen
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