Last night I had the *most* amazing delish thing EVER(shown here):
Chicken Tandoori PIZZA!
I can't remember the last time I enjoyed something so much( oh, wait, yes I can, when I went to the Italian place for my birthday, but it was close!) but it was a long hard fight to actually get it as my cheap-o hubby said it "was too expensive" (20$) and he tried to "cheap out" on it and get me some other lousy cheap-ass crap instead that cost less(he won't spend more than 10$) but this is what I really wanted and I was really looking forward to it all week and I kept insisting and fought for it and wouldn't give up and I have so little in my life that brings me joy I at least want to be able to enjoy the pizza that I want so I didn't give up or give in and I'm tired of always having to settle in life and having to settle for less and settle for crap so he eventually did get it( complaining the entire time) but it was soooo worth it and if it had ended up the last thing I ever ate I would have died happy. I still have some left for today and tomorrow ,too. Normally I'd have some left for Monday as well but it was just soooo good I ate more than I usually do last night so I only have enough for today and tomorrow.
Today I also still have the really baaad abdomenal and back pain I've had for days, plus my stomach really hurts as well and feels nauseated and I'm also dizzy and sweaty,too!

I also heard that bishop who councilled Trump to show mercy and kindness got fired ; they hate it when you speak the truth, and he pardoned the Proud Boys a white supremacist group as well,and he also had hundreds of migrants rounded up and deported as well, reminding me of the Nazis in WWII rounding up and deporting Jews in mass deportations and now ICE is the modern-day Gestapo, and they raided people's homes and workplaces; it's just awful, and my hubby has an interesting theory as well: that Elon Musk, with his computer and Internet access somehow "fixed" the election and "rigged" the election/results so Trump would win, which makes sense as there's no logical way he'd win, even with all the trailer trash, losers, pipe crawlers, low-lifes, white supremacists, racists,and deplorables voting for him, and also because he's the Anti-Christ. Last night I also had this weird dream I was in university and trying to find my psychology class( it was my fave. class, actually in actual life,too) but the classroom doors didn't have numbers, subjects or teacher names on them and I couldn't find it and got lost and missed it and my teacher's name was Professor Tibbles.I also heard Stairway To Heaven again, 2 days in a row, last night during the night and again today.

As for Elon Musk doing the obvious Nazi salute, people in Germany are confirming it was(even one of his own kids did,too) and they'd know a thing or two about Nazi salutes, and ,in fact, did you know it's actually illegal to do that in modern-day Germany today, too, and I hardly see the 30 YR old much anymore he's always out with his GF or at her house (I wonder if they'll eventually end up getting married? That would be nice.)but he's home now though because he's sick with a cold or some other virus so now he's up in bed , and my friend J( from the YMCA group in Ottawa and it's his birthday today, too, he's 60) is on vacation in Cuba and I really need to get away desperately as well but I'm afraid to leave Buddy, scared he'll die while I'm away, and yesterday he didn't feel well; he could barely walk and he didn't eat all day until just before bed.ðŸ˜

Here is El Retardo Trudeau wearing his sweater backwards ( duh!) he's such an embarrassment, and it's been exactly 4 weeks today since my mother died,too, and looking back I wonder if the ICU staff knew she was dying all along, esp. since she stayed the same and never got any better, stopped eating and needed the NG tube on the second day, had mottled skin, kidney failure,and slept most of the time, and had chest secretions and had to be suctioned and made those awful noises breathing looking back I think must be the infamous death was her body shutting down during the dying process. I also decided it's probably best to NOT inform her creditors that she died,too, and to just continue the so-much-a-month payments on her debts like she did so they won't try and sue me to take the house to pay her debts off, as it's not right I lose MY home to pay off HER debts and it shouldn't be my problem and I shouldn't be kicked out of my house!
I am now treated like a child or pet.-Greg Ramsey
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