Sunday, January 12, 2025


Yesterday morning and overnight the night before it snowed so now it looks like winter once again. Buddy refused to go pee though, the diva(ha,ha) and just came right back inside and did a big pee on the livingroom carpet! I also got to enjoy looking at the snow sparkling in the moonlight when I woke up in the morning and then again at night. Buddy's tooth also only bled(I wonder though if he does have jaw cancer and it's eating away at the tissue and bone?) twice yesterday and not as much and once I took the clot out it stopped, and a fun fact: in order for ice on a pond/ lake/any frozen body of water to be safe enough to skate on it has to be 9-10 inches thick.
Just so you know in case you were ever wondering.

My hubby was also calling my beloved Reggae "crap" again and saying you "have to be stoned to like it" but I just consider where it comes  from and coming from him  I'd expect no less and I told him at least it's NOT the yee-haw, twang-twang, redneck country crap that he likes and he always has some mean comment to insult me and when I was telling the 17 YR old about dinner he snarled, Blah, blah,blah,blah.blah... which was disrespectful and uncalled-for so I told him, You're so rude! What's wrong  with you? Why are you such an asshole?  This is exactly why I just try to avoid people and just keep to myself. I'm better off on my own. The 30 YR old's GF stayed over again,too, despite he knows how I feel about that, about them fornicating in the house, and I also don't like having people over so often as I don't think I should always have to "watch" what I say and do in my own home.
I wish I never had kids.

Trump also was convicted but doesn't get any jail time for his crimes(of course) a different set of rules for the wealthy than for the rest of us, but with a criminal conviction he also won't be able to enter this country(or several others,either) which would affect him being able to meet other world leaders, attend state funerals, world summits, etc, unless, of course, he can just use diplomatic immunity, but a good thing about if Canada was annexed to USA would be it would be alot less Big Brother Nanny State intrusive and not so Politically Correct or "Woke" and the 30 YR old got these gag sounds like crickets, smoke alarms, etc. that go on for hours and hours you hide under tables, lamp shades, etc.( like you do with "spyware"/intelligence gadgets such as listening devices) to drive people crazy, except I like  the sound of crickets though.I find it soothing and it reminds me of when I was a kid at the cottage.

This was also the moon last night and the stars were out,too, but my cheap-ass shitty camera isn't strong enough to capture it so this is all you get and it will just have to make do. I also heard someone had a 52 HR  labour( and I thought my 24 HR labour with my oldest was bad, and so bad after 18 hours I was begging them to put me out of my misery!!)  and I don't know why they'd let someone suffer for so long; it's too exhausting and can't be good for either mother or baby! Women are warriors! My hubby also re-did my mother's dresser we brought back home from the LTC home and he stripped it all down and re-varnished it and now it looks different and he ruined  it as I wanted to keep it as a momento, a reminder of her, and now it doesn't even look the same anymore!
It's like he "erased" her.
Way to "go",asshole!!

I didn't know what I had, had a name. I didn't know there were other people like myself.-Philip


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