Monday, January 13, 2025


This can't wait until tomorrow!
 The home insurance refused my re-newal saying I'm not the legal homeowner as my mother's dead now so I called the lawyer(even though we don't have $$$ for a lawyer anymore now we're poor) to get my name transferred over onto the deed(which I have a copy of) and I tried 3 times but kept getting cut off and that was it for me; I'd had enough. I thought I was finally finished with all this shit...and then this. My typical bad luck and things not going right for me and I was just done. Now it's just become overwhelming and I can't do it anymore but my hubby refused to help and thinks I'm just "lazy" and said the house will just have to burn down then if we have another fire,etc. without insurance, etc. but then later changed his mind and called and of course it worked for him and they called me back and said they need a copy of the will, which,of course, we can't find( remember? someone had emptied out the safety deposit box at the bank?) so now we're screwed as now it has to go to probate thru the courts.
Which takes on average 8-12 months
and costs around 3K (which we don't even have!)
and the home insurance runs out on the 28th.
So I got an app't with the lawyer on Thursday to start the process.

(Pictured here A flower of my mother's she had at the LTC home I brought back home with me after she died, and above: it was snowing today and I also took a video,too)
God is good because my hubby actually *FOUND*  her will from 1996 in some of her files clearly stating me as her trustee and heir, so no need for probate(or the expense and time!Whew!) so now he'll just have to do a Survivorship Application for me to transfer the deed from my mother's name to mine(and she left a trust fund for the kids after I die but that was when we used to have $$$ and all we have now is the house) and I should be able to get the insurance, plus that way I also have the house in my name for the future as well, not that I'm going to sell because I'm not;despite my hubby always trying to force me to; this is my home and I'm going to die here, but what a relief!
It's sad though to realize my mother didn't live to see my kids get married or have kids of their own though and now the 30 YR old's growing in a beard so he sort of looks like my hubby except not as nerdy.
while my hubby was snooping around he also found something in her files from my past he wasn't supposed to find and wasn't even supposed to know about; something that was needed  for something her and I did  and only we knew about  and never told anyone and will both take to our graves and if I told him I'd have to kill him, ha,ha. I don't have to "explain" myself to anyone though; my past is my past and things are secrets and are hidden for a reason and I'm entitled to have parts of my life from my past (and to not reveal it) that happened years before I met my hubby or had my kids that they don't need to know about.
 He also found she had blueprints of something too that *I* had no idea about,either.
I guess we all have our secrets.

I hope my last dying words are something kind. Or at least something Marxist.


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