Friday, January 24, 2025


Yesterday it snowed most of the day and we got lots of it(as seen by my photos I took here) it was really beautiful I have to admit and it looked like a winter fairytale scene. I also saw my Angel Bird once again right after I said a prayer asking God if my mother's OK and happy on the Other Side(and tomorrow it'll be 4 weeks since she died) and at night I sat out on my back porch smoking a doobie, looking up at the starlit sky, in complete silence and it was so peaceful and serene and saw the snow glistening in the moonlight and there was nothing like it and nothing better, except for watching the sun set on the beach in the Caribbean. My hubby's also back to playing squash again( as well as pickleball) like he used to do before( that was what f*cked-up  his knees originally) and now he has a sore blood-blister on his finger he didn't know what it was and asked me so I told him it likely got pinched on something and just told him to pop it and let the blood out and then it will feel better.There's one thing I know more about than him and it's medical stuff.
That, and geography and languages.

Yesterday Buddy also kept barking as I was trying to have my nap and I couldn't sleep so I had to get up and leave and go to another room on another floor to get some sleep and last night around 3 am I was woken up out of a dream I was in Israel at a marketplace at a vendor selling thick wool sweaters, the kind you'd more likely find in Mexico or Afghanistan rather than in Israel but you know, dreams are "funny" like that, and in the dream I said, "It smells like shit!" and in real life the smell was so bad it actually woke me up....and it really did  smell like shit because Buddy had done a big smelly squishy shit on my bedroom carpet, that I had to get up, turn on the light and clean in the middle of the night I wasn't too happy about, and then I also had to spray a deoderant aerosol and light an incense stick to try to get rid of the smell!
I'm *REALLY* getting tired of this, him shitting everywhere(esp. after he was house trained  so well before) and then I feel badly  because I also know he's old and can't help it. I also notice now his snout is much smaller than it used to be; easily 1/4 shorter, so maybe he does have nose(common in Dachshunds) or jaw cancer and it's eaten away at his jaw and  snoot? Maybe that's also why his teeth fell out and he's bleeding as it erodes away?

I also have an app't with the lawyer again on Tuesday to sign the documents(hopefully the last thing I have to do to wrap up my mother's "estate") and he also needs the info on the home insurance before the deed is signed over and it's good I'm not doing my will afterall, not only because it costs too much I can't afford but also because he'd ask about the other 2 that are no longer here with us, a painful memory from the past I don't want to get into, and also why I'm only leaving the house  to 2 of the kids and I don't want to get into my dysfunctional toxic family; I'm embarrassed and it's not exactly something I want to discuss with people or have them judge me about, and during Trump's inauguration a bishop advised him to show kindness , mercy, and compassion towards LGBT, migrants, immigrants, etc. you know, just basically to be a decent human being, to follow what Christ taught, and he and his supporters lashed back at her, which say more about what kind of people him and they are than it says about her, and you should have seen the look on his and his family's faces during her sermon, too, and if the word "smug" had a face that would be it!

I'm a reggae man, a lonesome reggaeman.-Lucky Dube


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