Good news! Buddy's still here! I was so afraid I'd find him dead this morning after his most recent stroke yesterday( he also had one last January,too) and other than a big pee early last morning he hadn't peed all day and didn't eat or drink anything either all day until finally at night time he finally did a big pee(on the floor) and ate a bit and drank half his dish of water all at once. He still can't bear weight on his back legs though and can't walk but he sure tries hard but then keeps falling over onto his right side and when he tries to walk he keeps tipping over and going 'round in circles and I notice he's only able to stand briefly once he's woken up from a nap, long enough to pee and then he gets weak and collapses again I also spent most of the day yesterday(today,too) cuddling him and now I also always have a pee pad under him just in case. He is my heart-dog, my soulmate, and the only light in my life. I also had a revelation before I'm going to die on the 29th....and that's tomorrow...I also still have the really baaad abdomenal, stomach,and back pain,too.
I also see the lawyer today to finalize things and sign the document and pay and it costs 1329$ and the actual cost was 900$( 450$ for the document itself and 450$ for legal fees) and the rest was all tax (we're really over-taxed for everything here in the Shithole!) and I could have saved over 1300$ if only my mother had listened to me before and put both our names on the house deed in the beginning like I'd suggested and then I wouldn't have had to pay $$$ to get it changed over to my name now and I also really think I'm the only one in the house who knows how to put a new toilet paper roll on, and yesterday the wind was sooooo bad as well they said it was a Category 2 Hurricane wind and it knocked down trees, power lines, ripped roofs off houses, etc.

I also got this "scolding" from Twitter yesterday for my reply to a post about a pedophile ring in Glasgow(Scotland; I've actually been there) where they showed photos of the criminals and I got in trouble for calling them names if you can believe it even though what I said was true, and now our deep freezer isn't working so we have to get a small appliance repair guy in before all the frozen food rots, and I also heard unscrupulous landlords are taking advantage of the California wildfires by putting rents up 200% and now charging between 12-15K a month just for townhouses which is just evil and who the f*ck can possibly afford that,and that's even higher than a mortgage, and the 30 YR old said it takes his GF 2 1/2 hours to get ready every morning between her hair, make-up, getting dressed, etc. and when I go out it takes me less than 10 minutes; I just hop into some clothes and fix mi dreads! It even takes him longer to primp himself and get ready than it does for me,too, and he also said his GF has gone back to school for dental hygenisist and she has to take MATH which surprises me and she hates,too, and has always been the bane of my existance and I'd rather be flayed alive or drawn and quartered than to ever take math again and I would have made the Honour Roll every year in highschool too if it weren't for math always bringing my average down and it was only in grade 12 I finally got on when I didn't have to take math that year!
It's also horrible how the Trump regime is rounding up and deporting migrants and immigrants(mostly Hispanics) en masse and it's so bad many of them are too scared now to even show up at work or school and are likely hiding in attics like how Anne Frank and her family did in WWII from the Nazis and now ICE is the modern-day Gestapo and many of these people have lived and worked there for decades,too, and some were even born there!Hopefully he can be impeached again and someone has to STOP him before he takes over the world like Hitler did and before we have another Holocaust!
But even the worst person you know has their good days, or redeeming qualities, even if you don’t see them.-James Nash
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