Monday, January 6, 2025

The Files Of Our Lives.

This is my mother's life, all wrapped up in these files shown here. I need this for when the people call on Thursday to get info on all her stuff so we can inform everyone she died so everyone can be informed and close off her accounts. I still don't know what we do about her still-outstanding debts though, such as her line of credit with the bank or the 8K she still owes on the furnace; are they just  cancelled now she dies or do we have to still pay now it and if we don't do they come back and take the furnace, or what? Today life also goes back to normal following the 2 week Christmas and New Year break, for schools and work(my hubby goes back to work too after  2 weeks off) except for me; my mother's still dead so for me I have to adjust to a new "Normal" now. Looking back my mother stopped eating and her digestive system shut down just the second day in the ICU too, her body beginning the dying process; it just took 3 weeks until her heart finally stopped but it had already started right from the beginning which is why she just stagnated and never showed any signs of recovery..

It's just the body in the grave. The spirit has already left.

Today is also Epiphany and tomorrow is the Eastern Orthodox Christmas, and it's been 3 days so far and the 30 YR old still hasn't come home yet from his GF's (but at least they're NOT fornicating here which I'm glad about; our house isn't a brothel)and my hubby wondered if he's even moved out and my Twitter has 19K views in just the past week and over March Break my hubby's going to NY again to play in a chess tournament.

There are also rumours swirling that asshat Trudeau will finally resign by Wednesday and I sure hope  so(and it should be a national holiday if he does!!) but I doubt it as a narcissist like that will most likely ask the Govenor General to prorogue Parliament to give him more time to desperately cling to power even though resigning would  be the right thing, the honourable thing, the noble thing to do, but Hillary Clinton is even *WORSE*, not only the Benghazi scandal but also the countless people she had killed and tried to pass off as "suicide" and if you really want to know the worst of what this evil Satanic woman has done then check Frazzledrip.

I'm on a list titled "people who know".-IlluminatiBot

I still remember as well that boy in my grade 12 Political Science class who said he thinks he thought we were spies too because we "move so much" and because I went to Russia during March Break instead of to the Caribbean like everyone else and I laughed and told him that even if we were we wouldn't be able to tell anyone,anyway,and I can still remember a time too when I would have been able to assemble an AK-47  blindfolded and now I can't even get my pants on the right way in the dark! HA!

We are all more good and more bad than we may fully realize in our own mind's eye.-Sarah Elizabeth


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