I just loooove this BoHo outfit! The Prodigal Son has also returned after 3 days at his GF's; last night the 30 YR old came back briefly before leaving again for overnight again and I just hope he doesn't end up screwing himself to death and that his dick doesn't fall off( ha,ha) and he was wearing this over-sized army coat and a beanie and he looked homeless, like a bum, which surprised me( maybe his GF likes that look?) as he normally dresses so sophistocated, classy, and high-end( think Gucci,etc.) and he said he's also having trouble getting his unemployment benefits while his boss takes a few months off recovering from surgery; something to do with info on either my hubby or I which I think is just stupid since he's an adult so why do they even need info on his parents anyway, and I can also never risk anything with a background check due to my past,anyway, which can never seem to just stay buried and hidden in the past and always seem to resurface. I also hope that this GF really does end up to be The One,too, because I just don't want him getting hurt again like last time. The snow's also gone now but it still feels like winter; -23 C with the wind-chill! I also don't get why people go to the boat and auto shows; to me it would just be depressing looking at all those luxury expensive items you know you can never afford and only ever dream of.

I also came across this photo of a highschool hallway and it brought back mixed memories; some bad( of 2 of the highschools I went to) and one good( of the good one I went to) and it looks so institutional,too, like a prison, and in a way it sort of was and felt like it(at least to me,anyway) and I couldn't wait to get out of there and my last day of highschool I just felt so free and liberated that I never had to go back to that place ever again, and I heard this radio ad for a probiotic( like I take daily) about your gut "being out of balance" and it made me laugh because not only is my gut out of balance but so is my entire body and my entire life! I also had this weird dream I kept wandering thru this big old house where every room was just full of windows and doors I kept going thru but had no idea where they lead to,and this morning the radio DJs were talking about something called a Prince Albert (and NOT an actual royal person, but a thing, and one thing I will always remember too is the order of Peerage/Nobility, from highest to lowest: King, Prince, Duke, Marquis, Earl, Viscount, Baron) so I as always when I don't know what something is checked Google.....
Big mistake.
and it turned out it's a piercing on a dick!
eeeeewwwww! That's just sooooo gross!
People are so weird!
I also mentioned to my hubby we need groceries but he said not today as he has pickleball and I rolled my eyes at his obsession, sighing, You and your stupid pickleball! and he snarked about me and "all my 'free time'"...."free time", yeah, free time where I only do the cooking, laundry, garbage, booking app't's, taking care of Buddy, running the house, etc. and looking back I wonder if the mottling on my mother's arm and leg were from the Sepsis or from the dying process( and she had it early,too) ....or both, and I'd always thought her LTC room-mate would have died first,too, before her, as she hardly spoke, and couldn't walk, move, or feed herself and the staff needed the mechanical lift to move her from bed to wheelchair and vice-versa....but you never can tell; she was there before my mother and she's still there now after her.Trump saying he'll "annex" Canada ( as well as Greenland and the Panama Canal) doesn't sound like a joke anymore,either, but serious, and he's just like Hitler; a dictator wanting to take over the world so someone had better "deal" with him soon ifyouknowwhatImean and the only good thing about joining USA would be much lower taxes and housing costs, and more competition and variety of consumer goods and lower prices....but also higher mass/school shootings and gun and overall crime rates,too, plus unaffordable medical care....so, no thanks.
Live the life you love.
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