Tuesday, January 28, 2025

What A Day!

What a day!
I had my lawyer's app't today at 1:15  but the 30 YR old had taken the car to go get his hair cut( shown below, isn't he a handsome fellow?) and I had no idea if he was even going to be back in time and we needed the car and it was getting awfully close to time to leave, almost 1 pm, and I was really panicking  and freaking out shitting bricks and my hubby taunting, You better start walking! even though I physically can't walk that far(and he knows it) so just in case I called for a taxi....
except they said it would take 45 minutes to an hour and I explained I didn't have that long and I had to be at an app't in 15 minutes but they didn't care and said it wasn't their problem and they couldn't just put me to the front of the line, blah,blah,blah, and I'm really panicking and desperate here, like well, what the f*ck am I going to do, and I was already all dressed and ready to go and I was afraid I'd have to cancel my app't last minute and re-book....
but then just at the last minute he showed up!
Thank God!
So he ended up driving me and it's the first time I've seen him drive or been in the car with him driving so it was kind of nice and I swear-to-God on the way back I saw a big white PIG  in someone's yard with their dog(and I know a pig when I see one) and that's NOT something that you see every day! He even waited for me until I was done, too, and they asked for ID so it was a good thing I just happened to have my passport with me in my purse( I need it to show gov't photo ID when I get my weed) and I had to sign a bunch of documents and pay  and he reminded me again how my mother's creditors might  come after the house and force me to sell to collect her debts  because I don't have the $$$ to pay(and I can't even get a loan because I have no way to pay it back) even though it's not right I lose the  house and get kicked out of my home for her debts that aren't even mine and there's no way I'll ever allow that to happen;
I won't allow myself to end up homeless.
 I'll die first.

The house was also built in 1917 so it's 108 years old and it's been exactly a month today my mother died,too as she died on 28 December and I wanted to tell her something the other day too and then realized she's not here anymore and it made me sad ,but good news: Buddy can walk again! he seems back to normal today following his stroke yesterday and he's eating, drinking and peeing like normal again as well so I guess the paralysis in his hind legs was just temporary, thank God, and one of my Facebook friends had the nerve to say to put him "down" too and just get a new dog but I can NEVER kill my best friend! I could never live with the guilt and he'll go when he's ready and when it's his Time.

Sad as well: the host of the Flashback radio show I listen to Saturday mornings hasn't been on for the past 2 weeks and someone else has been filling in for him and I just assumed he was away on vacation but today found out he had a massive stroke 3 weeks ago and he's incapacitated and he's just 61, the same age as my hubby. That's just so sad, the poor guy! We also got snow squalls last night and supposed to get 10-15 cm more snow between tonight and tomorrow as well and our deep freezer isn't working and we called 4 different small appliance repairs and one was a scammer and others couldn't come until next month but finally found a guy that can come tomorrow, thank God, otherwise all our frozen food would go rotten and in the meantime I moved what I could into the small freezer in the fridge to save what I can; I just hope it can be fixed as we can't afford to replace it, and the home insurance said they can't just transfer my mother's policy into my name; they have to write up a new policy now so I just hope they don't send someone over for a re-assessment as it's so intrusive and they always say we have to repair stuff we can't afford to repair and also put the rates up even more which we also can't afford, and I saw the dumbest thing as well: on the toilet paper it said some of the proceeds go to funding so "more kids can play hockey" and I just thought that was the stupidest thing ever; they should donate $$$ to something worthwhile and that actually matters  instead, like breakfast or lunch programs in schools for kids or the foodbanks! Just to play hockey? Who cares?

Have you ever seen luggage on top of a hearse?-Bruce Springsteen


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Musing For Today.