Today we have a winter weather advisory for snow squalls and are forecasted to get 2-10 cm and it's finally not as frigid cold; just -6C or so instead of the minus-a-million(as my hubby likes to say) like it had been for the past few days. I also had this odd dream that my mother, the almost 27 YR old ( next month; the one that had leukemia when he was 7) and I were at Centre Island in Toronto( where my mother and I used to go all the time when I was growing up) and I found drawings from 1976 I did when I was 9 years old I brought back home with me as well as a little pillow with the exact same fabric and pattern ( blue corn flowers) as on my mother's fave. wingback chair. Twitter still wasn't working for me(even though all other sites were) and it kept saying there were "connectivity problems" and the thought came into my head( thanks Holy Spirit, because there's no way I'd ever think of that on my own!) to switch browsers and try and so I did and it worked! I don't know why but for some reason it stopped working on Chrome after I'd re-booted my shitless computer and now works on Avast so I just switched everything over onto that.
In 2 more days it will also be exactly 4 weeks since my mother died,too, and now I'm not in a daze anymore or walking around in a fog and it seems more real but I still can't believe that she's actually really gone and it feels like a piece of my life is missing, sort of like a missing puzzle piece, and Buddy's tooth was really bleeding last night,too, and he either fell over ,tripped over, or walked into his water dish and knocked it over and there was water all over the floor,and he also has The Shits and did gross smelly diarrhrea on the livingroom carpet, on my bedroom carpet and even in his own bed so I had a biiiig mess to clean up and had to do an extra load of laundry this morning,too. Ugh! I also still have the really baaad abdomenal and back pain,too.

The 17 YR old also can't find his SIN(Social Insurance Number) card and I looked in the safe(where I keep all everyone's documents) and it wasn't there so now my hubby insists he doesn't have one even though I know he does,so my guess is either of them must have had it when he applied for jobs( and still hasn't heard back) and didn't give it back to me to return to the safe, as he now needs it once again to apply for a 2K gov't grant for post-secondary school, and God also provides as the 30 YR old needs $$$ to buy groceries and yesterday a cheque from the gov't showed up unexpectantly in the mail, enough for him to buy 2 weeks' worth and it's stupid as well that he needs his birth weight and the name and home address of the doctor who delivered him at birth to get his EI (Employment Insurance) now he's off work for a few months even though he's an adult now and it has nothing to do with it but the gov't in this Shithole is just soooo intrusive and stupid, and I never did know the doctor's home address, anyway!I just knew her office address.
The good thing about asshole Trump is at least he officially declared that there are only two genders: male and female, and none of that other nonsense, which is just made-up and pretend, and when a baby is born they announce it's either a boy or a girl and not some other made-up imaginary crap, and I also heard someone say when choosing mates/dating that "women get to choose and men take whatever they can get" but not in my case or with ugly women and girls in general; when you're ugly you don't get to choose and can't be "picky" and are lucky if anyone shows you any interest at all.
I put my head down keep running away from it
Anywhere I'm going can't be worse than this
I need to get away before it pulls me in
And I'm never ever getting close to anyone again.-Three Days Grace
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