Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Right-Side Up Again!

The guys are back from BC(and this is the route they took) this time just taking over 4 HRS so they must have had a tail wind behind them. It was weird too as I was tracking the flight 5-7 minutes or so before landing as they were descending they were at 4000 ft. and then climbed back up again to 8000 ft which is unusual as you descend the altitude goes lower and NOT back up higher, and then they descended lower to 1300 ft....and then back up higher again to 3400 ft before finally landing minutes later and it made me wonder if they had to re-adjust to avoid something perhaps, like a crosswind or a bird maybe? In any case, they landed right-side up again. Yay! The car was also still safe & sound in the airport parking lot as well but  even not having to go thru customs or collect their luggage they didn't get back until after I was already up in bed . I thought for sure they'd be sorry taking shitty Air Canada (the *WORST* airline there is and I've travelled alot and had experience with many airlines so I can compare) but they didn't check-in any luggage for them to lose( they just brought carry-on so it was ok) but I'll never take them again and would rather swim across the ocean first.

My hubby also brought me back this weird tacky sunflower pen and Dachshund mug( odd since I don't even drink coffee or tea and I already have 6 or so mugs to keep pens in) and the dog just looks weird and not even like a Doxie;it's not long enough, the legs are too tall,and the snoot is too short. Someone can use it(likely the 30 YR old) for drinks though so it won't be wasted. I didn't say anything to him though because it was nice he thought to bring me back something and I wasn't expecting it. Now they're back it also feels like a "dark shadow" over the house and it killed my vibe, and yesterday for awhile I also thought at first I had the days mixed-up and they didn't actually get back until today, thinking I had another day of stress-free quiet peaceful solitude but then checked and was sad to see it wasn't but nothing lasts esp. not the good stuff. Vancouver also had another 5.2 quake last night making me wonder if The Big One is coming soon( and likely for California as well) more confirmation of increased natural disasters in the End Times and Last Days before Jesus returns...

I also ran out of food yesterday so I had to order-in again so I wouldn't starve and I got chicken Penne Alfredo with garlic sticks and boneless chicken bites(AKA glorified chicken nuggets) and I had to spend 20$ before they'd deliver but I didn't have any choice. I even rationed it so I still have half the pasta for today until my hubby can go grocery shopping later today after work. We also got lots of snow( over 75 cm this month and I can't believe it's almost over already) and you can see from the photos below how high the snowbanks are but yesterday it got up to 6 C and it was all melting and drippy and wet and we had puddles and it's supposed to be above 0C all this week(so spring is coming but March is also a "fickle" month too so I'm not dumb enough to think we're done with the snow yet,either) so all that snow it going to melt and cause alot of flooding, plus we're also supposed to get yucky rain with the mild temps,too.

I also found out that Google Translate now also has Jamaican Patois and of course I had so much fun with it putting in stuff and seeing the translation and I was just laughing my ass off. Here is one example:

Trump a di biggest dumbest motherfucking idiot piece a shit mi eva si inna mi entire life. fuck him ugly orange old ass.

We'll search for tomorrow On every shore And I'll try, oh Lord, I'll try To carry on.-Styx


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