Tuesday, March 11, 2025

2 Days.

Look closely....can you see it? A flock of Canada Geese flying overhead! Buddy and I spent 4 glorious hours outside yesterday it was 9 C and sunny! I even got a really red sunburned face( my eyes are almost swollen shut!) from my first sun exposure of the season,too! We only have 2 days though, yesterday and today( going up to 12 C today!) and then back to OC tomorrow and snow but then back up again for the rest of the week and even up to 15C on the weekend....but rain. Buddy even peed and shit outside several times yesterday as well so maybe all the times before it was just simply too cold out and that was it the whole time? My hubby also said he thought the other day when I thought I had double-vision it was probably something just wrong with the TV or the channel....except it happened again yesterday too when I was outside and all the trees were blurry as well and there were 2 suns, so I guess not....

I also heard Stairway To Heaven again during the night and my hubby tracked shit thru the house again yesterday and didn't clean it up again; he somehow thinks since it's my dog it's MY "job" to clean it even though it was him who made the mess(and I know it was him as I was outside at the time and no one else was home but he and I and I didn't have shit on my shoes and he did) and I noticed Buddy's lost alot of weight lately as well he's so skinny now( he used to be roly-poly) I can even see his ribs so I'm increasing his food intake now, and I now have 1K Facebook friends as well  and it makes me feel almost "popular", ha,ha.

If you look closely you can see Buddy's little snoot poking out of the blanket and he enjoyed being outside and feeling the sun and breeze and getting fresh air as well and and the almost 18 YR old wasn't home all day yesterday either; I'd just assumed he was up in his room but he'd stayed over at his friend's the other night but I didn't know and then when I discovered he wasn't here I got worried; what if he got kidnapped on his way home from his friend's house the night before and we had no idea and here I thought the whole time he was just up in bed sleeping? My hubby also told him to finally clean up his mess which he did and shrugged he just left it thinking I'd do it but he's almost 18 and too old for his mother to still be picking up after him and besides, how else wil he ever learn that way? Someone( either him or my hubby, the only ones here because I know it's not me; it was fine when I left it last) ruined my new moisturizer; this morning I noticed a chunk broken off the lid and the lid broken off so now the "pump" doesn't work. it's just brand-new,too. My guess is someone dropped it and broke it and thought I "wouldn't notice" but I'm tired of people always messing with and ruining my shit and just not caring.

You can see Buddy here next to a melting snowbank( see his cute little face peeking out?) and so much snow has melted now too the garden gnomes are visible now once again, after having been completely buried under snow, and someone called Mark Carney( the new Liberal leader and soon-to-be PM) a Globalist he said he was "fine" with that ( when people tell you who they are, believe them) and I also found out he's the Godfather to Christia Freeland's child, so they're all connected and all part of The Club, no surprise here, and below is a photo of a nice dress I like, both the style and colour, and it's also sad to realize that this is the first time too my mother's no longer here to remind me to change the batteries in my smoke alarms and with her on the Other Side and me still stuck here I feel left behind (I somehow always thought she would out-live me) and even if she did put in a referral for me it likely takes at least 8-12 weeks to process the request,anyway.

We can live beside the ocean Leave the fire behind Swim out past the breakers Watch the world die.-Everclear


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