Here is the 30 YR old dressed up last night as a 70's-style gigolo(big pimpin'!) for the part he was playing in a murder mystery he went to. I also emptied the garbage can in his room and it was surprisingly full to the top even though he's hardly ever home much anymore so I wonder how he could accumulate so much garbage when he's hardly ever even here? I also couldn't find any forks( we only had 4 in the dishwasher and that was it) I call forkage but once he cleaned up the dishes in his room and finally brought them all down we had tons of forks once again! Hmmmmm.... I also can't believe it's already the middle of March and today it might even get up to 18 C too except it's raining and we even have a weather advisory for over 20mm rain, 80 KM wind and thunderstorm,too! They should also be bringing those stranded astronauts back home from the ISS soon too after being stuck up there for 9 months even though it was only supposed to be a week-long mission and I bet after that they'll never use *anything* from Boeing ever again!
Last night Buddy also woke me up thrashing and banging around so maybe he had another seizure again but I was so tired I just reached over and brought him closer to me to cuddle and went back to sleep and at least the good thing about him losing weight and being skinnier now is his cremation later will cost less as it goes by weight. it's a good thing it doesn't go by weight for people too or else mine would cost a fortune!! My mother's also lucky she died in December as well before that Orange Shitgibbon Trump was sworn in and before he caused all this mess and will likely also end up causing WWIII soon and now USA has bombed Yemen,too, determined to start a war. I also notice with all the neighbours who have 2 cars(one each for husband and wife) that they always match,too; they either both have cars or both have vans, and always the same colours as well; both black or both white,etc.
I also decided( and my hubby agreed) that me going to see Come From Away next weekend will just be my early Mother's Day gift from my hubby( it ends 4 May) and while I'm there he can just play chess somewhere or go to the cinema or something; I mean, it's Toronto, it's not like he won't be able to find something to do for a few hours, and yesterday he asked if I "really need" my probiotics too as they're "so expensive" but yeah, you know, with my IBS and Diverticulitis I'd much rather NOT have debilitating abdomenal cramps and pain. He said can't the doctor prescribe something so it's 80% covered on his work drug plan but it WAS the doctor who suggested the probiotic, and I ran out of sinus pills as well and it took him 2-3 days to go get them(he was too busy with his chess, pickleball,etc.), making me suffer with my headache even longer and then when I got them it finally went away....but now my stomach hurts.
It's always something.
Getting old sucks!
I know I'm old now too as every time I get up to stand from sitting it takes me awhile now and I have to 'steady" myself and hold on to something so I don't topple over, to get my balance, and I grunt and it takes awhile to shuffle myself around to get my shoes on,too.
Life never used to be like this.
I am always a second away from coming undone.
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