Tomorrow starts Lent, and I have a feeling that's when they'll announce the Pope has died, on Ash Wednesday. I also have to re-arrange my meal menus for fasting for tomorrow and Friday. Last night the 30 YR old and his GF also came back briefly before leaving again and here he is with his new silver fox hat! It's like the one I got in Russia in 1985 but lost in the fire because it was in my room on a styrofoam head on the dresser and that's where the fire was. I really loved that thing,too. Losing that and the hand-made sweaters my Babushka knitted me are what I miss losing the most even though I lost everything. I think he looks like Bam Margera when he was younger(his GF didn't even know who he is) in the photo here and his GF's parents as it turns out are neurodivergent just like us and her mother,like me, hardly leaves the house,either, and her father kept making food for the 30 YR old too and feeding him so now he'll be his new best friend, ha,ha. It's snowing now but going up to 5C later in the day and up to 9 C tonmorrow and 25 mm of rain with a flood warning and then going down colder again but even up to 12 C next week so I'll even be sitting outside if it's not raining! I also still have that headache since last week
Last night as I was getting ready for bed I was also startled to see a dark shadow moving in my room and it looked like someone was there and it really freaked me out and even made me jump, and I got a notice in the mail yesterday too saying I'm due for a Pap test for cervical cancer....except I remember the doctor saying she took my cervix out too when I had the hysterectomy, so yeah....I also keep finding Band-Aids in the laundry so someone has them in their pockets even though everyone keeps denying it, and good news,too: my hubby can play in the chess tournament afterall and he leaves Thursday after work, giving me 3 days of peace and quiet(and hot water for my bath in the mornings,too!) and I'll also make my Epic Meatball stew which lasts for 3 days,and I also had spicy Jerk Chicken( which isn't usually spicy) and then got really baaaaad heartburn. This never used to happen to me. Getting old really sucks.

I also found this online, a fight between a a Muslim and a Hindu I thought was funny, and I saw the new Bridget Jones movie and I really enjoyed it(and I haven't watched a movie in months!) and she has married Mr.Darcy and they had 2 kids but 4 years ago he was killed in an explosion doing humanitarian work so now her life is dreary and she had to try and "live" again, not just survive and she dated a young guy almost 25 YRS younger than her but in the end ended up dating her son's teacher and I recognized the actor from somewhere but can't remember exactly where but I've seen him before. It was good and I found myself thinking my mother would have liked to have watched it,too, but she's not here anymore and it made me sad. I also saw a commercial for that lame show Canada's Got Talent and the prize is just a measley 25K when the American version they get a million $$$, and and they're also spending over 100 million$$$ to update the BMO stadium in Toronto as well( the one at the CNE that used to be the Grandstand; the outdoor concert venue I saw concerts as a kid and teen) for the upcoming World Cup I think is a waste of $$$ when they should use it instead to help those in need such as the homeless shelters and foodbanks ,etc. where it would go to much better use.
“Don’t try to pull them into your world, meet them in theirs.”-LeeAnn Gerleman
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