Saturday, March 15, 2025

Mr. Ford Goes To Washington.

So Ontario Premier Doug Ford went to Washington yet again to try and talk some sense into the Americans about their dumb tariffs that only hurt both countries' economies and friendship but still never got anywhere and now they've also put tariffs on the EU (as well as China) who have, predictably and quite understandably,  returned the "favour" with reciprocal tariffs, and then the Orange Shitgibbon gets all outraged as in how dare they NOT just roll over and accept it and dare to fight back  so now they've also imposed an additional 200% tariff on all European wine. When will that shithead ever learn that other countries do NOT have to "obey" USA and their commands and do what they say? They also don't get why Canada, Greenland, Panama, etc. DON'T want to be invaded, annexed, or taken over in any way by them. Now that's just a special kind of stupid and their arrogance never ceases to amaze me!

Buddy and I also were outside again and today it's supposed to get up to 13 C and originally rain but now they say not until night so we can hopefully get out again today. Most of the snow is all melted and gone now,too, and you can see everyone's lawn and the only snow left now is melting down left-over snowbanks here and there and now it's mild people are coming outside like ants at a picnic and despite my general disdain for humanity I still think it's nice to see people out and about, going for walks, walking their dogs, out on bikes, pushing baby strollers, etc. coming out of winter hibernation, and it's also an official sign of spring,too: yesterday I heard my first motorcycle of the season and I also brought my own garden chairs out of winter hibernation,too!

I had my bedroom window open all night,too, as it got to 7C overnight as opposed to minus-somethng like it usually is during the night but it was so cold in the house, colder than outside, and I checked the thermostat....and it said 60F! Some f*cker had turned it OFF! No wonder it was so cold in here!! It turns out it was my hubby, who wrongly accused me of having the door open when I was outside so he turned the furnace off, even though I didn't; I kept the doors closed,not wanting flies to come in the house. My friend P( from grade 6 who just got back from Cuba) is now in Ireland, in Dublin, the same place I've been to and where I made up my joke screen name Pogue Mahone from, which is Irish-Gaelic for Kiss my arse. There was also an American tourist in Australia getting alot of hate( and now banned from ever returning!) for picking up a baby wombat alongside the road ,causing it and its mother to shriek in distress, but I don't really think it out of malice but rather of just not thinking; I think she just saw a cute cuddly animal and went awwww!! and picked it up to cuddle instinctively, without thinking, but I don't think it was malicious,and people shouldn't always be so quick to judge and condemn.I think it was just an honest thoughtless mistake.

Ernest Hemingway once wrote: "The hardest lesson I’ve had to learn as an adult is the relentless need to keep going, no matter how shattered I feel inside."


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