Look at the pretty sunrise this morning! I was just putting Buddy out( and he did a big pee outside!) and saw this and had to quickly run back inside and grab my camera before I missed it. It's also going up to 9 C today and 12 C tomorrow so I plan on sitting outside, but 0C and snow again on Wednesday! I even have my window open and spring is coming and I made it thru another winter! My hubby also almost won the chess tournament as well but was pressed for time and made a stupid mistake but he could have(and almost did) won a trip to Italy(except he doesn't qualify not being a Quebec resident) but he did really well and had fun and that's what really matters,anyway. The 30 YR old also got locked out of the house Saturday night,too; I always leave the side door open for him but I guess the almost 18 YR old must have locked it and he said his GF dropped him off and he was locked out so he just spent the night wandering around town and never slept all night and then showed up again yesterday at 4 pm(and just now this morning he's back again). I asked him why he didn't just call her and have her pick him up again but he said he doesn't know her number(they just communicate over the computer) and he didn't know where to find a phone.

This is also the mess the youngest left on top of the stove Saturday after he made chicken wings and never bothered to clean up. He left it there all overnight and then all day and night yesterday,too, even though I told him he forgot it and to clean up. He's almost 18 and certainly old enough to be able to clean up after himself; to toss the paper in the garbage and put the tray in the dishwasher. I'm not his slave and I'm not picking up after him and it can just stay there then for all I care until he finally cleans it up or until my hubby gets fed up and makes him do it. Israel has now also not only cut off humanitarian aid to Gaza but also cut off electricity,too, ramping up the genocide of the Palestinians more and more and yet the UN continues to do nothing....
I'm still tired from the clock change as well and I just lost an hour and didn't save it. In just mere seconds my hubby also was able to switch the little clock in the rec-room that even stumped the youngest, and then he quipped he must be a Super Genius then because he's the only one who could figure out how to do it.

I also saw a commercial for The Shopping Channel during the news last night(I know I normally ignore commercials but despite my best effort sometimes they still get thru) and I saw these enamel cannisters(and teapot below) by MacKenzie-Childs and I just love them and thought I'd like to get it for my kitchen decor....until I actually went to the site and saw they cost a whopping 312$....and 252$ for the kettle!
Holy shit!
Back in my "old life" in Ottawa when we used to have $$$ I wouldn't have hesitated and would have bought them but not now we're poor.. I also found out our neighbour S at the old Ottawa house next-door is now 32 and got married 2 years ago. When we moved in she was just born shortly after. I can't believe how quickly time goes by.

Mark Carney was also voted the new Liberal leader and soon-to-be( maybe even as early as this week) PM, just as I called it,and you can't have a circus without a Carney, and he gave a good speech I have to admit, and he seems like he'd be a strong leader, but he's still a Liberal(plus, not to mention the photos of him out there with one of Epstein's associates,too) and they're all the same with the same policies, but at least we finally get rid of Trudeau, I was also surprised to see former PM Jean Chretien (I used to call The Cretin) also a corrupt Liberal there(he's something like 91 now) as I thought he was already dead! HA!
Life goes on bro, with or without friends, with or without love-PathOfMenOnX
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