Thursday, March 13, 2025


I just *LOVE* the colour of this car!!! Yesterday I also asked my hubby to pick me up some tzatziki sauce while he was out and guess what he came back with?
Tzatziki flavoured salad dressing!
Then he tries to say "It's the same thing".
No, it's not.
Salad dressing is NOT the same thing as a sauce or a dip.
 For one thing it's waaaay more runny and watery and how the f*ck am I supposed to dip my spanakopita in salad dressing? Plus, I don't even eat salad, and he knows it. For someone so smart he can be *really* dumb!  Yesterday I also had The Shits all day and it felt like I was shitting out hot molten lava and my poor ass was burning and felt like it was on fire. I think it must have been from that dosa I ate.
Getting old really sucks and my body is betraying me.
My hubby was also having a nap(and yet  he tells me that me having my nap is "lazy" and a "luxury") this morning on his recliner instead of doing his yoga and yet he still thinks he's up for both pickleball and squash today after work. HA! Lately right after work he's also played chess for 2 hours too, making him late for other things like family obligations such as groceries and by the time he finally goes all the good stuff is already gone.

This is also Mark Carney and his wife's faces after he won  the Liberal leadership(which also automatically makes him the new PM, at least until the next election,anyway) and they look so empty, so soul-less, like they're reptilians or androids or something, it's almost creepy, eerie ,and evil, no emotions, and I also heard he has a PhD and degrees in Economics from Harvard and Oxford,too, so when he faces the Orange Shitgibbon in Washington over tariffs he  really knows the economy and can very easily outwit the moron, ha,ha, and he has 3 citizenships as well; here, the UK and Ireland and people demand he gives up the other 2 but I don't see why; I think it's cool and you can love more than one country.(He was head of the Bank of Canada and the Bank of England) and his mother's maiden name was Kemper as well, the same as Trudeau's mother's Margaret's maiden name, making me wonder if they're related,too? I also heard a British guy say "aluminum" and it sounded so different, so weird, I didn't even recognize it or what word it was even supposed to be at first and had to figure it out but then realized that English did originate in England so maybe we're the ones that have been saying it wrong all this time then?

This is also where I'll be going to see the musical, affectionately known as the "Royal Alex" and it was built in 1907 and is the oldest working theatre in North America. I just love the old-fashioned theatres like this,like the opera houses. Too bad they don't make things like this anymore. Going to see Come From Away is also something exciting I would have normally wanted to tell my mother about too except she's not here anymore and it's times like this that I miss her but not otherwise(I actually feel "free") since she wasn't nice to me. We're also having a total lunar eclipse tonight with a Blood Moon, and I wonder with the left side of my nose always being congested for months( it might even be closer to a year,now, time goes by so fast) and the headaches and pain behind my forehead and eyes if maybe I have a sinus tumour? If it was just a cold or allergies wouldn't BOTH sides be plugged-up and not just always the same one side? It might also explain my achy ears and tingling on my left side and swelling on only my left arm, hand, fingers, and leg...not to mention the seizures as well...and the double-vision...

It also feels like we've "lost" the 30 YR old to his GF now,too, as I hardly ever even see him much anymore; just 5 minutes or so yesterday and then he was off again and he's gone for days. I just hope that she really is his Person and she loves him and they'll hopefully even get married eventually and it ends well and that he's not "investing" so much time in her(all day and night every day)all for nothing, only to have it eventually end badly and for him to get hurt and have his heart broken.I just don't want it to end badly like it did last time.

If you play stupid games you win stupid prizes.-Adam Sivachev


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