Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Our Christmas.

We had a good Christmas yesterday and surprisingly everyone behaved and no one got in trouble or got into a fight! Christmas Eve was just so perfect,too, between the snow, the tree, and Mass, I even wondered if it might be my last day alive it was so perfect, and then Christmas itself even went well too. I was the first one awake, before anyone else, before all the chaos, and I just enjoyed the stillness, the peace and quiet. Buddy was the most excited to open his gifts as you can see in the photo below. He knew there were treats for him under the tree too; I guess he could smell it. He kept running around in circles, all excited, wagging his tail, barking, rummaging thru all the packages, trying to open them all up, like a little kid. Here he is seen here looking sharp in his new sweater.

We also had my father-in-law over and the 22 YR old's BF enjoyed his first Christmas here with us as growing up Jehovah's Witness he never got to expeience Christmas( or birthdays) growing up and he said he had a good time.At least experiencing a holiday with our big crazy family is an experience, alright. We also had our big dinner in the diningroom with the fancy china and luckily this time with guests my hubby and the kids weren't as uncultured as they usually are and only once did I spot a dinner roll come flying past my head.

 Here are my presents I got as well: the hippo figure(my fave. gift of this year!) is from the 15 YR old, the weed ashtray from the 24 YR old, and the Dachshund mug(which I use to keep pens and markers in at my computer desk as I don't drink coffee or tea) from the 17 YR old. My mother also gave me chocolates and the custom-made hippo shirt below is from my hubby. As always I just either buy or order what I want and give him the bill so that way I know I end up getting what I like, unlike our first Christmas where he gave me,and I kid you joke.... a spice rack!!! My mother's first year of marriage her first Christmas my father gave her a frying pan,too! I think every guy makes that mistake once....

I also re-dyed my hair a Platinum blonde and I'd wondered if it might have ended up a bit too yellow and bright and if I should maybe tone it down but then I figured, You know, the hell with it; I shouldn't have to tone down my shine for anyone! I'm excited too to be going into Toronto to visit my old friends and back in the city again I come alive and feel like the Old Me again, I literally transform and feel "free" and for just a short while I forget who I am now and what my life is like now and I can relive the Old Days where I was happy, when I was Me. I miss my old life. I miss me. My hubby chortled that they'll probably just end up dumping me off somewhere too but I told him, Unlike you, they're my friends and they actually like me! It will be so good to get away and to be myself again even if it's only for a day.

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Musing For Today.