Sunday, January 13, 2019

The Secret Club.

  I am now a member of an elite, secret club! I'm so excited!! Usually I'm the one excluded, always left out of everything all the time so this time when I got the chance to join a secret club I eagerly jumped at the chance. Of course, it's a secret pothead group on Facebook, one no one knows about unless you get a personal invite from a member(and I did) but still.....and unlike other things you post on FB stuff you post in this group is not shared publically; it's total privacy, complete cloak and dagger, I guess since weed isn't legal everywhere and other members have to lay low and not "advertise" their love of weed for fear of alerting the authorities. I really enjoy the group, too, and everyone's all so chill and easy-going and all the posts are just so Irie, no politics, trolls, hateful comments, mean posts, or anything; it's just a bunch of like-minded old peaceful hippies basically discussing their love of all things weed and sharing weed-realted jokes and memes.

  For once I actually feel included in something, like I belong, and the only other time I did was at the YMCA group in Ottawa. It's also like when I had my first child; I felt like I had been initiated into this elite group called Motherhood, I had suddenly become a member, earned my stripes, my badge, an honour, become a member of an elite club. It also reminds me of this article I read recently online about how racism was blatant here in this country even as recent as the 1930's and even more recent, citing ads for clubs and resorts with the words, Restricted clientele advertised and I was shocked to be brought back to my own childhood in the 70's and I can actually remember seeing those words, seeing those ads, but I never thought anything of it, just thinking it meant like a country club where you had to be a member to get in, sort of like a Members Only thing, based on membership,like how we were members of the ROM and were able to get tickets for the King Tut exhibit others were unable to, but I never in a million years would have thought the restriction was against non-whites, mainly Blacks and Jews, and was horrified to find out that was the case.

  I saw blatant racism in my childhood, white priveledge, and had no idea what it was.Now I feel so badly, esp. since the majority of my friends were of other colours, races,and religions, so much so my mother even cracked that my birthday parties looked like the United Nations. Now I will never see Members Only the same way again but I do have to admit that it finally feels good to be incl. after being on the outside looking in for so long.I still can't believe that we basically had an Apartheid of our very own though, and not too long ago, and sadly racism and white priveledge does still exist today,too, although at least now more people are speaking out against it.

  I also started the day by putting my hearing-aids in the wrong ears; the inner wires are colour coded( like on bombs, ha,ha) red and blue so I know which ear they go into, but I was half-asleep and it was dark and I fumbled around and put them in the wrong ears and then wondered why they kept falling out and wouldn't stay in, plus I also put my underwear on inside-out and this is how I typically start most days actually, but at least my hubby slept in which I like as I get hot water for my bath; usually he hogs it all up, and the 20 YR old was stuck in an elevator at work; he'd gotten off 2 HRS early....but then got stuck in the elevator for 2 HRS so he was no further ahead. That's the kind of thing that would happen to me with my luck, only I'd be in there for like 6 hours and really be late. The 17 YR old also used my latex gloves for her hair dye that I used to express Buddy's anal glands but it sort of serves her right for taking them without asking. If she only knew where they've been!!

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Musing For The Day.