Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Bleeding Out.

I seriously think I must be bleeding out: yesterday the bleeding started in the morning and at bed time it was much, much worse, and continuing overnight and still today with no signs of stopping, but rather just keeps increasing. I even completely saturate the super-soaker size industrial tampon every hour and even with it plugged up the blood still runs down my legs and soaks thru everything and even is clearly visible in a big pool of red when I sit down in the tub and when I yank the "plug" out it just pours out of me like a tap, just gushes, and fills the toilet bowl with bright red blood, and soaking my hands with blood, even soaking into my nail beds and settling into the cracks and folds in my skin.
It's awful and just beyond alarming to see that much blood pouring out of your body and it just keeps coming. I don't think I've eve seen so much, not even after the births of my babies( and I hemmorage alot after and needs meds thru the IV to control the massive bleeding and even almost needed a transfusion a couple of times) or even when I shit out massive amounts of blood with my colon polyp.....but it's NOT Aunt Flow either since now I'm in menopause and the last one I had was back in last June and I don't have cramps and I'm not bloated or have a headache like I get with that; it's a stabbing pain on my right side.....maybe it's my ovarian cyst or something rupturing? I guess I'll have to go to the ER afterall; I was waiting hoping it would lesssen and resolve on it's own but maybe this time it's finally this bad they'll take it seriously and not just dismiss it as women's issues and send me home like before; maybe I can finally get my damn uterus taken out and have this thing behind me once and for all?

With my hubby away for 3 days I also had a nap yesterday and slept the afternoon away(and Buddy woke me up jumping on my back and nudging my face with his cold wet nose and whimpering; he had to go out) and when I got up I went outside and hit the bong and when I came back in I blasted my Reggae as loud as I wanted.Total freedom!

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Musing For Today.