Friday, May 31, 2019

Musing For The Day.

There's Always Something.

There's always something:

on your mind
concerning you
to worry about
to look forward to
you're waiting for
nagging at you
to plan for
you forgot
you should have written down
you regret
you wished you'd done differently
you wish you could change
you hate
that goes wrong
that's unexpected
that comes at the wrong time
that costs more than you expect
you didn't remember
you left behind
you forgot to pack
you don't know how to spell
you forgot to pick up
that comes up
last minute
that shows up
you overlooked
you didn't see coming
in your way
you have to watch out for
bigger than you
you need help with
you can't do alone
you can't get enough of
that drives you crazy
you can never find
you don't understand
you don't agree with
that offends you
that won't leave you alone
you keep to yourself
no one knows
that holds you back
you wish you could do over
you want to change
that gets in the way
that sucks
that doesn't work out
you least expect

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Wordless Wednesday.

Daily Pondering.

God's Beauty.

Yay! It's lilac season! It's about 2 weeks late this year due to the late spring, shitty weather, cooler temps and rain but it's finally here! I've always loved lilacs, and always one of my fave. flowers ever since I was a little kid. I just love the smell (I even have a lilac perfume!) and now the wonderful scent fills the entire house! My Babushka and my aunt both had lilac bushes when I was a kid and in one house we had (in my last YR of highschool) we had one finally at last,too. I just LOVE them and look forward to them every year but like all beautiful things they don't last long, only about 2 weeks so I have to get them while I can. When I was a kid I used to grab them from anywhere I could, even off people's backyards, but now I'm more civilized and won't take it off anyone's property; now I just take them off public property, like in public parks, or along the waterfront, or in open fields, growing wild, for anyone, not really belonging to anyone in particular.Growing up I'd always hoped I'd have lilacs in my wedding bouquet but I ended up getting married in December(and I never had a big fancy wedding,anyway) but maybe I'll end up having them for my funeral instead, and that's more likely since the odds are I probably will die in May....

Here are my sunflowers as well, week 4. I now have 10 seedlings, and they've outgrown their original icecube tray planters in the windowsill and have now been transplanted into a really big bucket. You can't really tell the size from the photo but it's a big one, the kind you use to wash your kitchen floor with. I'm not planting them outside yet until they get much bigger, stronger, and heartier as the squirrels will dig them up, eat them and kill them, like what happened last year and I only ended up with one lone survivor and it broke my heart.

From the bakery cake for the 12 YR old's Confirmation I also got really bad cramps and diarrhrea from the icing (I guess it had real cream in it....uh, oh....) even though I did take my enzyme pills (I'm lactose intolerant) but I guess it was just too much, even for the pills. I was in agony. It was awful, but that's the first time I've even had any abdomenal pain since I've been to Jamaica and at least this time I know the reason. I was surprised to see Fr. T at the Confirmation too, so soon after his hernia surgery and he looked sick; he looked so pale, thin,gaunt, and much older, poor guy. I would have expected him to still be home in bed recovering but I guess it was sheer willpower; he just pushed thru it, wanting to be there and not miss it. I get it.

The 12 YR old also got an iPod which he uses to play games on. I use mine for music and photos. His is black.(Mine is gold) He also needs new glasses but we can't get them until August when our insurance is re-newed; it's expired for a few months now and after weeks of trying to find out the name and artist of this song I kept hearing on the radio and like but they never said who it was I finally found out at long last too ( it turned out it was The Dirt by Motley Crue) so I finally got to add it to my playlist and now I'm a Happy Camper.

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Musing For The Day.

This is sooooo me!

Anime North.

Here is a photo of the Guys, the Crew, the Posse, the Gang, the Homies, etc. all dressed up in their home-made Cosplay costumes for the Anime North convention.  Don't ask me who they're supposed to be; which characters from what anime; I have absolutely no idea. from left to right is the 23 YR old's BF, my hubby, the 16 YR old ( she's not really  quite that tall; she is tall but she's wearing stilts for her costume which she impressively lasted over 2 HRS walking around in!), the 23 YR old and the 17 YR old. My hubby had to recycle and wear an old costume he'd made and worn from another year as the one he was working on for this year( something called Thanos, again I have no idea what it is but it sounds Greek) wasn't done yet so he hopes to have it ready by September for the next one, the FanExpo. They really, I mean really dig these things but I just don't get their fascination with it all, with anime and the making of their costumes and dressing up; it just seems so silly and lame to me. Oh, well, to each his own I guess. Whatever floats your boat. They literally have kicked me out of the family unit though just because I'm not into anime and don't share the same interests as them though. Pfffttt.
F*ck it.

Here are a couple of more photos from the 12 YR old's Confirmation as well, courtesy of the 17 YR old. I would have posted them up earlier but her phone battery died and she had to recharge it first before she could send me the photos. I know, there's always something. That should be my catch-phrase:
There's always something.

Here he is with the newly-installed Archbishop and above is the group shot of all the newly Confirmed kids, or as they officially call them, Confirmandi. (See, you learn a new word every day!) On the 29 th is also another upcoming birthday,too: one of the kids turns 20.At the Confirmation the 12 YR old and his sponsor ( a lady from church) had to be there 30 minutes before and my hubby thought it was 45 minutes before and yelled at me for getting the times wrong and thought I was just being------------(insert put-down here: choose one: stupid, forgetful, stoned,etcd...) again and got it wrong and he berated me and grabbed the 12 YR old and rushed out of the car barking at me,You stay here! You're not here!  dismissing me.....and as it turned out I wasn't inept or wrong and didn't mix anything up afterall and was wrongly accused: the info I'd had on the bulletin did say 13: 30 just like I'd told him,and the pamphlet  he was looking at said hurts me how he's always so quick to blame, to judge, to accuse, to hurt, and the looks of pure disdain, contempt, disgust and rage he always gives me hurts me to the core.

Monday, May 27, 2019

Today's Thought.


Yesterday was the 12 YR old's Confirmation! Here he is seen here before, and I got this great shot of him smiling and how I got this great natural smile: I had him sit down for the photo and I blurted out motherf*cker and he cracked up laughing and that's how I got such a natural looking smile because he was laughing for real. It was so funny: the kid's a genius( he's in highschool and has memorized something like 35 digits of Pi) but he couldn't figure out how to dress himself formally and struggled with how to do up his belt, and with his tie and his shirt was undone and hanging out of his pants. It reminded me of Einstein who couldn't remember his own phone number. Incredibly brilliant people who do really dumb things, ha ha.

Totally there were about 50 kids that got Confirmed and the new Archbishop did it. All the others of our kids had the same Archbishop confirm them so the 12 YR old is the odd one out; the only one who got the new one. The old one was forced into retirement as he got too old. Once you get into your 80's or whatever you're done. At first I was all frantic and worried as my hubby and the girls still weren't home yet from their anime convention weekend away in Toronto and I was afraid they'd miss the Confirmation( even though they hate church it's still an important milestone and family event and I wanted everyone to be there,and even the 24 YR old took his breaks off work and combined them to come which meant alot to me) but they did make it ok, much to my relief, but the girls didn't even sit with us(even though I'd saved them seats) but rather at the back of the church, where a guy told them off for talking, but my hubby was no better; he kept falling asleep and then his cell phone rang even though it was announced in the beginning to turn the damn things off and he kept texting,too, and my mother shows up in a ratty old T-shirt and sweatpants......and this is the same person who still goes on for decades about Remember how J's brother wore shorts and flip-flops to her graduation? how it was sloppy, disrespectful and inappropriate for such an occasion and now here she goes and does the exact same thing....

and here he is, newly Confirmed, filled with the Holy Spirit. I said to him, now instead of saying you have Me, Myself, and I  you can say Me, Myself, I, and the Holy Spirit. The 16 YR old said that sounded kind of creepy. During the Mass I was overwhelmed with this incredible intense overpowering spiritual experience as well it brought tears to my eyes. Maybe it was the presence of the Holy Spirit or the beauty of the moment or the sense of spiritual community, I don't know but it was beautiful and truly a religious experience. I was really moved. I also looked damn good, too, and I never get to say that. Not my face( nothing will fix that) but I dressed-up fancy with my long flowing floral ruffle dress, and matching floral flats, and fancy hat and I've lost weight and it hugged the curves and with my jewellery and tan I have to admit for once I was looking fine and I slayed it and it felt good. For once I actually felt good about myself, like I wasn't the ugliest creature on Earth and I noticed people looking and I over-heard someone say, Wow! Look at her tan! and for once people were looking in a good way and it was nice. I never get to experience what that's like and it felt good so f*ck the haters.

Thought For The Day.