Friday, May 31, 2019

There's Always Something.

There's always something:

on your mind
concerning you
to worry about
to look forward to
you're waiting for
nagging at you
to plan for
you forgot
you should have written down
you regret
you wished you'd done differently
you wish you could change
you hate
that goes wrong
that's unexpected
that comes at the wrong time
that costs more than you expect
you didn't remember
you left behind
you forgot to pack
you don't know how to spell
you forgot to pick up
that comes up
last minute
that shows up
you overlooked
you didn't see coming
in your way
you have to watch out for
bigger than you
you need help with
you can't do alone
you can't get enough of
that drives you crazy
you can never find
you don't understand
you don't agree with
that offends you
that won't leave you alone
you keep to yourself
no one knows
that holds you back
you wish you could do over
you want to change
that gets in the way
that sucks
that doesn't work out
you least expect

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Thought For The Day.