The 17 YR old (almost 18, next month) made these amazing sticky buns from scratch and now I can't decide if this or the pasta with mushrooms she made is the best dish she's cooked so far. She's a vegan yet surprisingly she has made some amazing food, incl. the little baby potatoes cooked in olive oil that taste like garlic. These buns are just to die for though, a combo of sweet and bitter with sweet fruit, cinnamon and the zest of bitter orange peel. So delish. The only way they would taste even better is if I had weed before, because, as you know, weed enhances the senses. I'm really going to miss her cooking when she moves away to Vancouver for school in the fall.
The 17 and 16 YR old also went to the jewellery store and got special jewellery to mark their milestones birthdays: the 16th and upcoming 18th. One got a ring and the other got a necklace and on top of that there's also 3 graduations coming up; the 17 YR old's highschool and the almost 20 YR old gets her journalism degree and the 23 YR old gets her Bachelor's in Psychology(and she's going on to get her Masters and PhD) so it's going to be a really expensive couple of months with all the jewellery buying. The 12 YR old also gets Confirmed in 2 weeks too but he's a boy and doesn't get jewellery; he just gets a cake to commemorate, which costs alot less.
I also found out it takes 2-3 weeks to get the blood test results for the genetic blood-clotting disorder as they have to do the test in Toronto; I guess since it's so rare; only like 3% of the population even has it, so I guess they don't test for it too often or get too many requests for it. I'm still itchy like crazy too even though it's been 2 weeks since my peeling sunburn (and now my back is thick scabs that look like Corn Flakes and reminds me of the scab phase of tattoo-healing) so it must be due to either kidney or liver failure,and it is like the intense itch I had with my Obstetric Cholestasis I had 12 YRS ago with my liver failure, also just affecting 1% of pregnant women; somehow I always end up being that rare and unusual exception, the one-out-of-a-million statistic, but never for the good stuff like winning something, always the bad things...
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