Saturday, June 8, 2019

My Ghetto-Ass Swing.

This is my porch swing that I've had easily for over 10 years now and for at least the past 3-4 years now, maybe even longer, it's looked like this, so ghetto. Originally it was a metal frame covered in some kind of fabric but after a couple of years the fabric all thinned out over time and wore away, tore apart and ripped, leaving just the bare frame so my hubby repaired it by nailing in sturdier wooden slabs like you'd use for a fence for the seat and back but for the past few years the nails on the back came off and now only one of the slabs at the back is even attached at the bottom, leaving them all losse and swinging so there's no back support. Needless to say it's really hard to sit on it with no functioning back; you just fall right thru and I have been begging him now for the past 3-4 years to fix it but he never has.....

until now!
At last! I have a new one! He didn't want to take the time to both fixing it so he just got a new one. It's not a swing, but it is a chair I can either prop up and sit in or recline back and lay down. Either way, it works and I still kept the frame with the roof overhead so I have shade whenever I want it and when I want to be in the sun I simply pick up my chair and move it. This is just so exciting and you know you're getting old when you get all excited about things like new patio furniture and home appliances. Yup.

When I told my mother about the lump I think I found in my boob( there's also swelling and part of it now points out like a swollen triangle and there's dimpling,too) she told me she's noticed something with hers lately too, that for the past few months one is bigger than the other, twice the size, but she never did anything about it as it's been so busy lately with birthdays and graduations and such but she'll mention it when she sees her doctor soon. Holy shit.... I hope she doesn't have cancer! Can you imagine if we both have cancer at the same time? I know I always imagine the worst but that doesn't mean that it's still not possible, and if we both end up having breast cancer it would hint at a strong possible genetic link; that perhaps we both carry a gene making us more likely to inherit it, like how colon cancer also runs on her side of the family.

I also had this weird dream that I have lived "other lives" before and one of the reasons I had to travel to 37 countries in this lifetime was to "settle" things in those "past lives", such as returning to Pompeii; that I'd died in the Vesuvius volcano centuries back, and I had to go back to Rose Hill in Jamaica to un-do the curse the White Witch put on me, for example. I also got this thought in my head that being in Heaven you get this whole new level of knowledge and understanding opened up to you that you didn't have before and that it's like when you first learn to read; a whole new "world" of knowledge and understanding is opened up to you, it's like you've been given access to this "code" you didn't have before....

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Is This Goodbye?

I had to post this now as it can't wait until tomorrow because there might not even be a tomorrow. Buddy had a biiiiig Clonic-Tonic seiz...