Tuesday, August 13, 2019


The Facebook  police were at it yet again.(I don't know if Patti is up to her old tricks again and reported me again or if they're just checking back?) They locked me out of my account saying I had to change my name. Apparantly they didn't think that HippoRasta Potamus was my real name. Can you believe it? I always use a screen-name online for security reasons, never my real name, but now they're really clamping down and won't allow screen-names or nick-names, only your real name and they said I needed to provide gov't photo ID to get my page back.....really screwed here. I had a decision to make: let it go and lose  what's basically my only connection and only link to the outside world and my only means of communication with others......or use my real name....what to do?

I had to think long and hard on it. Facebook is my fave. site and where I keep in touch with old friends, have made new ones, and belong to groups with other like-minded individuals and get to connect with other people and having social phobia I can "socialize" much better online hidden behind a computer screen typing than I can in real-life face-to-face, so it really wasn't too hard a choice. I didn't want to lose my only social network and be completely cut-off from the world, lose all my friends, and be completely isolated, and besides, the threat where I had to lay low and not be exposed and fly below the radar has now passed; that was several years ago and even though the danger is now passed the effects still linger on and I still have that mindset where I am cautious and don't want to reveal my real identity and put my name out there but it's safe now so I sent them a copy of my health card, as they needed photo ID with photo, name and date of birth and this was safer than my passport or birth certificate, for example, if it got compromised, not that anyone would want to steal my identity; I mean, I don't even want to be me; why would anyone else, but if I do end up a victime of identity theft I'll know where to look.....

In the end I sent the ID and they approved it and I got my account back, in my real name, much to everyone's surprise, only used to screen-names for the past 10 years or so. My friends that know me in real life already know who I am but the online ones only ever knew me as Pogue Mahone or HippoRasta Potamus so when my true identity was revealed they were shocked, and one said with so many name-changes she thought I was in Witness Protection and I told her even if I was I wouldn't be able to tell her anyway,and others were shocked as my name is obviously very ethnic, and I've even been de-friended once some of them found out; racist Americans, and it shows you don't have to be dark-skinned to be a victim of racism and discrimination, but it says more about them than it does about me, and I'm better off without people like that anyway, and I didn't lose them; they lost me.

It's been a bad week already.....and it's only Tuesday so here's a couple of sweet shots of my Best Buddy and I. He loves me so much ( he's the only one that does) the other night as I was in bed going to sleep he was crying and extra snuggling to me and wouldn't leave my side and the next morning ( that would be yesterday morning) I woke up with a big sore bump on the back of my head ( I still have) making me wonder if I had another seizure in my sleep during the night and hit my head someone or maybe even fell out of bed and he could "sense" it was coming on somehow? He was also under the bed in the morning like he does when I have seizures, I assume so he doesn't get kicked with all the thrashing around. The other day he even stayed beside me faithfully guarding me during my afternoon nap during a thunderstorm even though he hates storms and they scare him and he usually runs off and hides but this time I was asleep and "vulnerable" and his love and loyalty in protecting me took over his fear of the storm and I love him for it.

As well, our kitchen ceiling is leaking again but luckily we found a roofer who will fix the damage and just patch the hole for 200$ and not do the entire roof( like the guy across the street is having done and I hate to think of what that would cost!)  and our water filter isn't working either and the guy's been here already 2-3 times and "fixed" it, costing 600$ so far and it still doesn't work and he's coming back in a few days with more parts.....and after 2 months pain-free my mother's hip pain is now back again, as bad as ever.....it's always something....f*ck!

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Wordless Wednesday.