Wednesday, November 13, 2019

The Haircut.

There was an incident with the 12 YR old's hair and I wanted to post a photo of his new hair and I was going to except there's no way for me to get a photo, and, in fact, I haven't even seen his haircut yet as he hides it under a hood and won't show anyone and refuses to show me so there's that so instead here's a photo of our first official snowfall we had yesterday 12 cm and today it's sooo cold - 18 C we even broke a record. In any case Cadets was complaining his hair was too long and he had to get it cut. He has always had a white man Afro with thick curly bushy wild hair, kind of like Einstein, a mad scientist. I have no idea where he got it from as no one else in our family has it; we're all cursed with thin, limp, droopy hair but his just can't be tamed; this wild crazy hair that has a life of it's own and sticks out all over. I normally cut the kids' hair even though he complains as I cut it "too short" (even though that's what Cadets wants and requires, you know, above the ears and nape of neck) and recently he'd had the 18 YR old do it as she'd still leave it long and wild except now she's moved away to BC for school so my mother actually asked me to do it on Monday which was just 4 days after I'd had my surgery and still in early recovery and I told her there's no way I was up for that yet(I couldn't even stand up straight yet; now it's been 6 days and I'm just able to stand upright and walk straight now and I still can't bend over) and she actually got mad at me for NOT being able to do it and for not being recovered enough and scoffed will I be recovered enough on Wednesday(in time for Cadets) and when I said I really doubt it she huffed and I said just send him to a barber as kids' cuts don't cost too much, something like just 12$....but oh, no.....not for her precious little prince, and so she insisted on doing it herself even though she doesn't even know how to cut hair....

It was a disaster.

It looked like shit. I mean, it really looked like shit. It was horrible. It was awful. Even she realized it and begged me (still recovering from surgery remember) to fix it and I told her(once again) send him to the barber for f*ck's sake...and they're the professionals anyway and will do a better job than I would .and she was all worried he'd be bullied and embarrassed for his "poor haircut"and people would make fun of him for being poor and I said we are  poor off to the salon he went and as it turned out he hates it and my hubby said he could have done a better job....but I don't know if it's truly bad or not(but in any case it would still be better than what she did to it) or if he just hates  having his hair cut because he always says and does that whenever he gets his hair cut and it's shorter than he wants,and I never got to see it yet so I can't say.....but there's always some kind of drama going on in our house....needlessly....and the good thing about hair is it always grows back.

My hubby also needs security clearance for work and sent me questions he needs about me and my family background too but the thing is I can't answer them due to my own past before I even met him , , secrets that need to remain hidden and never revealed, things I've never even told him or the kids and never can or will, and family information that if discovered during a background check would most definitely ruin any chance of any security clearance, even though it's all on me and my background and my family and not him and it shocked and surprised me to see the request: what does my  past, my history, my family, and my secrets have to do with him, his job, and the present-day now? I just can't have or risk anyone digging into my past or my family like that, doing background checks but what am I going to tell him? What do I say? How can I possibly explain it without revealing things that can't be revealed? I've spent my life carefully guarding and being vigilant and this caught me off-guard. I feel like I've been backed into a corner. I can't just put fake info on there like I normally would for stuff because the RCMP is going to do a thorough background check and I know they will and there are certain things that must remain hidden and that I also don't want him to know, that can't ever be revealed and that will also compromise his security clearance if they ever found out.....oh, f*ck.....what do I do now? He's the one that needs the clearance for work anyway; why do they have to even go nosing around me,anyway? Maybe I'll just have to make something up....

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