Wednesday, March 18, 2020


Buddy is my Heart-Dog. He is my forever Best Friend and the best dog and the best friend I've ever had. In fact, he's the best thing to ever happen to me in my entire life; he's like an angel sent from Heaven. Words can't even describe how much I love him and how thankful and grateful I am for him. He's 14 now and each day I still have with him is an added blessing. he'd still had a bit of blood ( a few drops) at the end of his shit lately although not this morning and when he was straining to go I also noticed a red thing popping out of his ass so it's likely a hemmoroid. My BP is atill high and I still have the bad headaches and I think I might have had a seizure during the night too and my weed I ordered also arrived and you're supposed to sign  for it too and I was waiting for the doorbell and even left ther door open so they'd know someone was home and nothing and when I went out to take Buddy for a walk I saw my parcel just laying there abandoned on the porch......holy f*ck! The porch pirates could have stolen it! My God! Not  my sweet Mary- Jane! So I anxiously scooped it up and held it close and went back in and checked the shipping details online and it said it was delivered at 10:09 am and meanwhile I didn't notice it left out there until after 1 pm......I freaked! My guess? With the Coronavirus panic and hysteria the carriers don't want to risk close face-to-face contact with customers it requires for a signature and they just toss the parcels up onto the porch and take off......shit!

Now the entire province is in a State of Emergency and the PM is going to enact an Emergency Measures Act , whatever that even means, but I imagine something Draconian and militant like the War Measures Act  like his father did some 50 YRS ago when he was PM and that's scary as it imposes curfews and takes away your human rights, like living in a Police State, and now shit just got real. it really makes me wonder though if this is a modern-day Plague though and the beginning of the Great Tribulation forewarned in the Book of Revelation  before Judgement Day and Christ's return and society is being warned and punished for sin. It really wouldn't surprise me and we are told that 3 1/2 years after an Anti-Christ takes a seat in world power Jesus will return and Trump  has so far been in office since January 2017, so 3 1/2 years would bring us to this July....hmmmmm...just makes you wonder....

With all the social distancing ( something I've been doing my entire life with Social Phobia and Asperger's; I always try to avoid people!) and isolation and quarantine and everything being shut down and in lockdown the Edmonton Boys  are now out of work (and up until now had been doing wel and the 22 YR old was even  getting work in Saskatchewan,too!) but luckily my hubby's safe as he's always been able to work from home, and the girls and the 25 YR old all work at grocery stores which are essential and still remain open so their jobs are safe, thank God, but this has really gone insane andeveryone has lost their minds and it brings out the worst in humanity as everyone fights everyone else over commodites and hoards and only selfishly thinks about themselves instead of bringing out the best of humanity and thinking about and helping others  and developing the African spirit of Harambe;  working together as One as a community and helping eachother out.

The 16 YR old is in Ottawa now visiting and she took the train up and pretty much everyone got a window seat and they separated all the passengers as well so that everyone had at least 1 seat space in-between them to distance everyone and they even gave them free food for the "inconvenience" but she was happy as she was hoping  for a window seat anyway as she was assigned an aisle seat! The 20 YR old's tire also blew out and there she was stranded and a Good Samaritan stopped to help her out and asked her if she had a spare tire and she was like, ?????? what? I don't know..... so they got out and helped her and checked and....yes!...there it was.....and they also had CAA so they pretended they were a passenger and called them so they arrived and fixed it( for free!) and got her on her way! Wasn't that nice of them? Complete and total strangers? If that had been me I would have totally freaked out because with my luck it would have been some deranged serial killer or something that would have stopped instead that would have dragged me off somewhere secluded and hacked me to death.

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Is This Goodbye?

I had to post this now as it can't wait until tomorrow because there might not even be a tomorrow. Buddy had a biiiiig Clonic-Tonic seiz...