Saturday, March 21, 2020

Life Under Quarantine.

Well, it seems like the whole world is under quarantine, under lockdown, isolated and in exile and for us I don't really notice too much of a difference except that all the kids' activities are cancelled but other than that life goes on and there's really no other difference for us since we homeschool anyway. We took the week off for March Break we were going to do anyway but our lessons go back on Monday and the good thing about the schools being closed down for the foreseeable future is it caused everyone to basically stay at home and homeschool, giving them all a "taste" of it and hopefully will inspire them to keep it up even afterwards and find how well it actually works, how well the kids do and how much better it is than the State indoctrinated public schools and will decide to NOT even send their kids back to public school once the pandemic ends. It also made the 3-4 months' long teacher's strike pointless since schools are shut down anyway( ha ha) and ineffective, forcing most of them into finally accepting a deal with the gov't as well as allowing the gov't to inplement their E-Learning online program so kids don't get ignorant during the school closures, which for some weird reason the teacher's union was so against before. Ha!

Yesterday the 16 YR old also got back from Ottawa and on the way home stopped off at the game store to pick up a new video game she'd been waiting months for ( no pandemic or quarantine is going to stop her from getting her game, and besides, you need something to do cooped-up in your house all day in isolation) and when I mentioned that the Tom Nook character looks like a stoner the kids retorted that I look like a stoner trying to "insult" me to which my hubby replied, Don't even try; she's proud  of it! and I took it as a compliment.Plus, to be able to insult me I first have to value your opinion and second I just consider where it comes from. The oldest also e-mailed me asking me if I knew what his blood type is and I only know it for 3 of the kids, revealed for medical reasons, but none of the others, incl. him, and of course I freaked out, worrying he needed a transfusion or something and he told me his brother said he heard people with type O blood are most suseptible to the Coronavirus, which I never heard, just elderly and immune-compromised people and the 3 kids I do  know their blood types the 22 YR old and the 16 YR old both  are O- (which runs on my mother's side of the family) and the 12 YR old is O+. so it's likely he might be too and I always wondered if all the kids were in the O group and had a suspicion my hubby might be too....

Yesterday the 16 YR old was playing her new game and the boys and my hubby were playing chess and I was listening to my music and Buddy and I also sit outside when the weather is nice and there's always TV and the computer and the kids play board games too( like old-fashioned days or like the Amish) and it's nice seeing the sibling bonding and family time so being isolated isn't so bad but I do miss not going to church though and that really screws-up my week and not being able to tell which day of the week it is anyway(and I had trouble remembering which day it was even before) and I wonder too if Masses will even all be cancelled during upcoming Holy Week for Easter in just 3 weeks too and if so that's NEVER happened and I can't even imagine it, not being able to celebrate Easter! I can't even imagine that but what really matters though is the faith and relationship between each individual  and God and it doesn't really matter where you are, and you can pray and connect with Him just as easily at home( go and close your door and pray in secret and your Father who is in Heaven will hear you) because He is still always with you no matter where you are or if you happen to alone or with a bunch of people.

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Is This Goodbye?

I had to post this now as it can't wait until tomorrow because there might not even be a tomorrow. Buddy had a biiiiig Clonic-Tonic seiz...