Sunday, April 26, 2020


Yesterday it was a glorious 15 C so I spent the day out in the sun, and look! I got soooo sunburned I look like a lobster! Even my eyelids got sunburned and I had to put Calamine lotion on to soothe the stinging, itch,and pain. Ouch! I also have a bunch of itchy fever blisters all over my chest, arms,and legs and I "officially" started my tanning for the season, where I uncover my arms and legs and go practically topless and put on my home-made suntan oil and lay out in the sun, as opposed to before where I was sitting out in the sun and got sun ( on my face, hands and sometimes arms, if I had a short-sleeve shirt on) but not on purpose, and for the most part I was also wearing a jacket ot sweater and sitting snuggled under a blanket(as it was still a bit chilly, esp. with the wind or when it was cloudy), basically just getting fresh air and sun but not for the exact purpose of tanning, but now my official tanning game is on. My eyebrow was itchy too so I scratched it and I felt something "flaky" falling down I thought was flaky dry skin too but it was actually hairs; parts of my eyebrows were falling out! WTF? I wonder what it was? At least with the isolation I'm not going out anywhere though so no one will see it.

I also heard that North Korean leader Kim Jong Un has died following "botched" heart surgery although nothing "official" yet so it might also just be a rumour,too, and if he has I guess his sister will take over until his son ( who is still a young child) is old enough to take over, sort of like a Regent, and my hubby scoffed, No way; it's a Communist  country; there's no way they'd have a woman leader!  but that's where he's got it wrong; under Communism women actually have equal rights, equal pay,and more rights and equality than they do here,and it's actually even more likely that a woman in a Communist country would rise to a higher position of power than they'd ever get to here, so suck it! It also won't be long now either until accusations start coming out that the surgery was "botched" on purpose and that he was actually assassinated and that surgeon had better run for his life! Even if Kim is dead or in a "vegetative" state he'd still be smarter than Trump will ever be regardless.

Today one of the kids also turns 24 and when I was her age I already had 2 kids but back in the 80's people started their families earlier; in their early 20's and nowadays they tend to do it later, in their late 20's or not even until their 30's( even though fertility declines by then) and the second-oldest turns 30 at the end of the year and she's not yet married or has any kids and the 25 YR old likes to tease her that she's run out of time  and her uterus has all dried up etc. and she'd better hurry up and find a man,etc. but maybe she doesn't even want kids? I always did, it was my only dream, and look at how that turned out! She'd actually be better off not  having kids and despite all of the shit, bad luck, trauma, misfortune, abuse,regrets, sorrow, hardships, struggles, etc. I've had  in my life the one good  thing is(and I am thankful and grateful for) is that I have been to lots of incredible places and have seen lots of amazing things.

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Wednesday Words.

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